This month, I visited LWV Jackson County, down near Carbondale. Thank you to the League members for having me join them for lunch. Their monthly meetings are fun and relaxed; two members volunteer to bring in crock pots of soup, other members bring in some cookies for dessert and voila—lunch is ready! While I was there, we talked about the new voter registration efforts in the Carbondale-area high schools.
What I have been learning everywhere I go, whether it is the Chicago suburbs, Little Egypt, western Illinois, or Forgottonia, is that all our local Leagues have very similar issues in their communities. Each individual community may have an extra unique concern, but the overall issues of housing, gun violence, mental health, etc., resonate across Illinois. That is why it is important for us to work together as a state League—together, we can have a larger voice and a larger impact on legislation around these issues.
Local Leagues Making a Difference!
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Thank you to Celeste Flores of LWV Grayslake, Round Lakes, and Waukegan, who represented LWVIL in an interview with Chicago Univision on Sunday, February 18. | |
Applause to Susan Craighead and LWV Naperville for standing up to a private citizen’s remarks against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at their city council. The League of Women Voters is fully committed to DEI. | |
Donna Limper and Barbara Hochstadt of LWV Roselle-Bloomingdale presented a study on school district consolidation: Are we getting the most out of every education tax dollar? LWV Roselle-Bloomingdale conducted the study in 2023-24 to answer that question and develop their position on consolidating the five elementary school districts that feed Lake Park High School. | |
Becky Simon
League of Women Voters of Illinois
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Join us for Issues Briefing this Saturday | |
Be an advocate! Join us this Saturday, February 24 (in person or at home) to hear from the experts on current issues and legislation at our annual Issues Briefing.
Four sessions will cover gun violence prevention; government accountability; misinformation and disinformation; and funding priority services such as the Child Tax Credit and immigration.
Panelists will frame the issues and discuss what attendees can do to take action. Issues Briefing is open to everyone—invite friends and colleagues to learn, engage, and activate.
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How Illinois Strives to Ensure a Secure Election Process | |
Join us Wednesday, March 6 at 7:00 pm for a special pre-election webinar featuring Matt Dietrich, public information officer for the Illinois State Board of Elections (ISBE).
Presented by LWVIL’s newly-formed Misinformation and Disinformation Task Force, the event precedes the March 19 Primary Election and is the first of several League webinars where noted authorities will speak on relevant topics leading up to the U.S. Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 5.
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Primary Election Day is March 19 | |
You can now view your 2024 Primary Election ballot and learn about the candidates at, our one-stop shop for nonpartisan voting information. Spread the word about the Illinois Voter Guide in your communities! You can also meet with and learn more about the candidates at League candidate forums.
Vote when it's convenient for you. Early voting is open—check with your local election authority for locations. You can also sign up to vote by mail.
Online voter registration remains open through March 3, after which voters can still register in person through Election Day.
Illinois has faced a decline in election judges (aka poll workers) following the pandemic. Please consider stepping up to help our elections run smoothly! Sign up to be an election judge. Training is provided and this (paid!) work is fun and fulfilling. You can sign up for Election Day only or for multiple days during early voting.
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The following meetings and trainings are open to all League members. | |
Partnerships Training
Thursday, February 22, 12:30 pm or 5:30 pm
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In this training, we will help your League to identify, develop and deepen partnerships with other pro-democracy and voting rights groups and groups that intersect with the League’s priorities, including strategies for building and working in an effective coalition.
Register for the 12:30 pm session.
Register for the 5:30 pm session.
This is the third in a series of Leadership Development Trainings hosted by LWVIL, with presenters from the LWVUS Organizing Team. If you missed the first two, check out the recordings:
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Post-Primary Debrief
Thursday, March 21, 7:00 pm
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Join our voter service team to share election successes, tips and issues.
Register to attend.
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Mock Election Training
Saturday, April 27, 10:00 am
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Learn how to run a mock election at local high schools or community venues.
Register to attend.
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Welcome to Our New Local League | |
Congratulations to our newest emerging League: Proviso Township is now an official MAS Unit! The Proviso Township League is an outgrowth of LWV La Grange Area. LWVIL Membership Director Roberta Borrino has been working with this new group to help get them organized and ready to start working as an independent League. Thanks, also, to Rosemary Heilemann for attending their board meetings on behalf of LWVIL.
Pictured here is their first official tabling event at the Tour de Proviso last fall, assisted by members of LWV La Grange Area. Left to Right: Nicole Molinaro, Barb Heskett, Angela Moore-Smith, Jean Klotter, Leann Pettis & Diane Scott.
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Support Our Get Out the Vote Efforts in 2024! | |
The goal of LWVIL's Campaign to Safeguard Democracy is to raise $50,000 for our GOTV efforts, statewide online voter guide, candidate forums, and campaigns to fight misinformation and disinformation.
We're 57% of the way there! Thank you to the generous donors who have given over $28,000 so far. See participation by League.
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Submit Your League's Photos | |
We love to see the smiling faces of League members! Help LWVIL elevate and share the hard work of our members by submitting photos of your local League's activities.
All photo submissions will be added to our photo library. They may be used in LWVIL marketing and communications materials, including possible placement on the LWVIL website and social media platforms.
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Members power the League! Thank you for your time and donations. | | | | |