Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Western White Mountains Chamber
Member E-News
Hello Members-

We love to see businesses reopening and seeing locals and visitors safely enjoying them!

Yesterday the NH Stay at Home Order expired and we shift to a Stay at Home Advisory. NH residents are still urged to stay home when possible and wear masks when out in public. We have partnered with Ski NH, WMAA and other Chambers across the state to establish a state wide visitors Code of Conduct. As soon as we have final information we will share it out with everyone so all visitors and locals can know what we are doing as a state to keep everyone safe. Until then we are encouraging locals and visitors to Know Before You Go & Be Prepared. Do a little research to see if you need advanced reservations for area attractions or dining locations. Be prepared with masks as many businesses are encouraging the use of masks within their facility.

Stay up to date on who's open in the Western White Mtns here. Have an update for your business? Email Info@WesternWhiteMtns.com. The more that is shared with me the more I can share with visitors and locals.

Communication + Collaboration = Success

Best wishes,
Kim Pickering

Executive Director, Western White Mountains Chamber of Commerce
Office Phone: 603-745-6621 x0 | Cell: 603-348-7771
Local Business Updates
  • The Flume Gorge – Open daily 9am-5pm (last ticket sold at 4pm). Advanced Reservations Required. Book at FlumeGorge.com.
  • Lost River Gorge & Boulder Caves – Open Friday-Monday, 9am-5pm (last ticket sold at 4pm). Advanced Reservations Required. Book at LostRiverGorge.com.
  • Polar Caves Park – Open Saturday & Sunday, 9am-3pm. Advanced Reservations Required. Book at PolarCaves.com.
  • Whale's Tale Waterpark –Akua Flow Club is open daily 9am-5pm by advanced reservation. The waterpark will open daily beginning June 29th. Book at WhalesTaleWaterpark.net
  • Alpine Adventures- Now open! Open Thursday-Monday, 9am-5pm. Advanced Reservations Required. Book at AlpineZipLine.com.
  • Polly's Pancake Parlor- Reopening for indoor dining on June 18th!
  • Believe in Books- Youth Theater in the Woods is back! (Intervale location)
  • Clark's Bears- Trading Post Gift Shop is open Saturday's from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday's from 10 am to 4pm. The Snack Bar is open Saturday's from 11 am to 5 pm and Sunday's from 11 am to 5 pm. Reopening on June 29th!
  • The Notch Hostel- Open daily! See Facebook for updates.
  • Loon Mountain Resort- Opening July 3rd
  • Gordi's Fish & Steak House- Reopening Wednesday, June 24th
WHITE MOUNTAIN ATTRACTIONS UPDATE  - With recent announcements by the Governor relating to the Attractions industry, we wanted to provide a current  operating schedule  for the Attractions. Our Attractions are opening slowly and with caution. Please note that many of them are only accepting advanced reservations at this time so not to exceed capacity limits based on social distancing guidelines. Please encourage employees, guests, and friends to go online and book tickets prior to heading out on their adventures. This list could change weekly over the next month, and we'll keep you updated.
Sharing of Resources: We have a great community where businesses help each other out all the time. We received a request and wanted to start a new sharing of resources block in this weekly email.Have a request? Have something to share? Reply to this email or email me at  Info@WesternWhiteMtns.com.
Loon Reservation Service is looking to see if anyone has an electrostatic sprayer for disinfection they'd be willing to share? If you do, contact Susan  by email or phone Office: 800-745-5666 x2 or Cell: 603-381-2781
Harman's Cheese is looking for a cooler for self-serve on their porch. Contact Brenda at Cheese@harmanscheese.com.
I s your business open or planning to reopen soon?
Let us know so we can share it here and on our website!
Job Opportunities
Needing to fill open positions as you reopen your business? We're here to help, add your job posting directly to our website or email me to add them for you. We'll be posting a job opportunity from our page each Tuesday.

Click here to view current list:

Diversity Resources
Our chamber is inclusive of ALL -
WE ARE ALL EQUAL. Hate and violence is wrong. As a chamber we recognize that it is our role in the community to share information and resources. We've had a few members reach out to ask how we can help share education links and information on racism. With their help we've created a list of resources for you to learn more about racism.


Anti-racism resources for white people. This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work.

Video Links

For Chamber members in the outdoors industry:  The Notch Hostel in North Woodstock, NH has joined a growing list of outdoor companies that have signed the  The Outdoor CEO Diversity Pledge . These companies are taking a bold step towards diversity, equity, and inclusion, to elevate people of color and other marginalized identities. The Notch will be connecting with the Pledge steering committee throughout the year as they create and execute a specific set of actions aimed at 1) supporting a diverse workforce, 2) presenting representative marketing, 3) engaging with broadly representative athlete/ambassador teams, and 4) sharing our experience with other brands. We'll be submitting annual reports on our progress. "We believe the outdoor industry will reach its full potential when it represents everyone who goes outside. By committing to The Pledge and advocating for diversity and inclusion within our workplaces, industries, and broader business community, we create an outdoor landscape that includes and empowers everyone." --The Pledge   https://www.diversifyoutdoors.com/pledge

Interested in taking a bigger stance? Help organize a town vigil for George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. Email  serena@notchhostel.com to participate.
Reopening Guidelines, Stay at Home Orders
Division of Travel & Tourism Updates
The New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism (DTTD) continues to actively monitor and respond to the threat of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our state. In an effort to provide
regular situational awareness to the travel and tourism industry, DTTD will be hosting regular webinars through the Webinex platform.

Click and bookmark this page for update information, marketing
plans and previously recorded webinars.
Business Resources
Keep Calm And Small Business On.
NH SBDC is committed to doing everything we can to help you navigate the challenges your business is facing to recover and reopen as a result of COVID-19.

PPP Forgiveness: Important Concepts & Interim Final Rule
6/22, 6/29 |10-11am
6/17, 6/24 | 1-2pm
Join us in discussing current PPP forgiveness guidelines. We'll discuss the documents you should be tracking and collecting now in preparation for filling out your PPP forgiveness application.

WorkShare: a Valuable Option for Employers
6/16 & 6/30 | 10-11am
NH WorkShare is a viable, temporary solution to phasing in employees as they are reopening, and helping them to avoid laying off employees. Rich Lavers, Deputy Commissioner, NH Employment Security, will be on the webinar for Q & A.

6/12, 6/19 & 6/26 | 10-11am
Weekly Live Q&A on Recovery & Reopening! What's been bugging you? What's keeping you up at night? What did an employee just ask that you can't answer? Submit your question prior to the webinar or ask it live in the Chat.

The NHBFA is Offering Two Programs for Businesses:
CAP Program  - Providing banks the ability to lend up to $200,000 to small businesses and non-profits across the state. CAP loans can be used for working capital, temporary needs, lines of credit, or long-term assets. These loans have rapid approval times and can be deployed in situations that banks normally could not lend into. CAP is a powerful resource to help companies bridge the gap until COVID-19 subsides.
Temporary Loans  - A direct loan program from the BFA in an amount up to $2,000,000. These loans are designed to be temporary in nature with a maximum three year term. The amortization rate is flexible, and the BFA can take a subordinate position to the bank. For companies who need temporary loan capital that the bank cannot provide, the BFA is ready to support their needs wherever possible.
Grafton County Small Businesses Getting a Tech Boost- Website Assistance Program
The Website Assistance Loan Program offers qualified businesses interest-free payments on deferred loans of up to $2,000. Businesses can apply those funds to web design agencies that have been pre-approved by Grafton Regional Development Corporation. Additionally, some businesses may be eligible for zero-cost website support services.
Eligibility is limited to businesses that have been in business for at least two years. All applicants must be able to provide financial statements and business plans. Qualified applicants will meet with Toth to discuss needs and develop an action plan.
To apply for the Website Assistance Loan Program:
  • Visit the NH SBDC website (nhsbdc.org/grafton-county) and click on Online Request for Services.
  • Select Online Request for Counseling with Rita Toth in Grafton County.
  • Complete the requested information about your business.
  • Businesses will be contacted by Rita Toth to arrange an intake meeting.
For more information about the Website Assistance Loan Program, feel free to contact us at connect@graftonrdc.org or 603-536-2011.
Business & Industry Association of NH
What’s Happening at the New Hampshire State House?
Wednesday, June 17, 1:00 to 2:00 pm
The New Hampshire House is meeting to vote on numerous bills. There’s significant uncertainty over whether they’ll be able to “suspend the rules” to finish their work. The Senate is also meeting soon to review and vote on massive “omnibus” amendments to existing House bills. For anyone who may have been lulled to sleep by legislative inactivity, being extra vigilant now is paramount. Over the next few days the legislature will settle positions on issues like permanently expanding unemployment insurance benefits, increasing the state’s minimum wage ahead of federal action, adding to the cost of electricity, setting maximum contaminant levels into statute despite a court order which required a proper cost/benefit analysis, and much more.

This webinar is no cost to BIA members and BIA Capitol Connect members.  The registration fee for non-members is $15 or you may  apply for BIA membership   today and receive  all the benefits , including access to all webinars for no cost. Advance registration is required for all. BIA members and BIA Capitol Connect members  REGISTER HERE

Like No Session Before: A Review of the 2020 Legislative Session
Wednesday, July 01, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Join us for a BIA-hosted webinar featuring New Hampshire’s finest political reporters and pundits as we review and dissect the 2020 Legislative session. The COVID-19 pandemic had enormous impacts on the ability of the New Hampshire House and Senate to conduct the peoples’ business. Union Leader reporter Kevin Landrigan, NH Business Review reporter Bob Sanders, “In Depth” reporter Gary Rayno, and SNHU professor Dean Spiliotes will look back on an extraordinary session, focus on important legislation that passed, discuss the issues that remain unresolved, and forecast what it all may mean for the elections this Fall.This BIA webinar is made possible through the generosity of our sponsors, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, RiverStone Group, Unitil and UPS.
This webinar is no cost to BIA members and BIA Capitol Connect members. The registration fee for non-members is $15 or you may  apply for BIA membership today and receive  all the benefits, including access to all webinars for no cost. Advance registration is required for all.

For over 50 yeas, SCORE has served as America's premier source of free business mentoring and education. They are committed to helping businesses through these unprecedented challenges from the coronavirus outbreak.

Free mentoring done remotely, virtual events and learning opportunities. Visit www.score.org/coronavirus to learn more.

B usiness Finance: Beyond the Basics (SCORE Finance II)
Monday, June 15, 6-9 pm
All small business owners need to know something about finance, but it can be a challenging topic. This FREE workshop, second in our Small Business Finance series, will help you understand what you need to know about business finance. We explore business funding, profit and cash flow, break-even analysis, forecasting, the impact of taxes, and more.
NH Business Review
Midyear review
Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 11 AM

AHEAD’s Home Ownership team can provide a wealth of information and help folks navigate resources currently available. These free services offer the much needed support to our communities in these times of uncertainty and financial instability. Together, we can lessen worries & strengthen our families.
ServSafe Online Resources
For 30 years, ServSafe has been at the forefront of preparing restaurant and foodservice workers to deliver safe dining experiences for their guests, while also keeping themselves safe. Every day, we train the restaurant and food service industry on topics like cooking temperatures, safe storage, and cross contamination, as well as hygiene, sanitation, and other risk mitigation activities. Because of the challenges presented by COVID-19, we have developed a number of free resources aimed at keeping our workers and the dining public safe.

NH Lodging & Restaurant Association
The NHLRA is the only advocate for the restaurant and lodging industry in New Hampshire. We work to advance pro-business policy and defend small business owners against crippling regulations. Since 1919, the NHLRA has acted as an indispensable resource for avoiding regulatory pitfalls. We are striving to improve the hospitality industry, whether it’s bringing new business to your door or supporting the next generation of industry leaders.
New Hampshire
Employment Security
Contact Paul Greenlaw from Halo for more information about masks, signage and other re-opening essentials.
Testing & Antibody Testing can be accessed by any NH resident as often as desired.
Government Officials Contact Information