Our November Member Spotlight is on Sherry Ann Mohan, CPA. Sherry Ann is currently a member of the NABA National Board of Directors as Vice Chair and has previously held leadership roles on the National Board, Eastern Region and her local New York Chapter. 
Sherry Ann Mohan
Managing Director               
Goldman Sachs

Why did you join NABA and what have you enjoyed most about the chapter?
I joined NABA shortly after starting at EY as a new staff member. A mentor I had from an internship at a different firm was now working at EY and she introduced me to other members of the EY Black employee resource group. She and many of the EY employees were active members of NABA and were the ones that connected me to NABA NY. I started volunteering for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program as it seemed like a great opportunity to give back to the community. That was the first of many roles with the NY chapter eventually reaching Vice President before transitioning into a regional leadership role.

The two things I’ve most enjoyed about the NY chapter are the people it has connected me to and the opportunities it has provided me to give back. Through the chapter, I’ve gained mentors, friends and a vast network that I can tap for advice or assistance. I received valuable insights on my business school selection process while waiting for a NABA NY board meeting to start. That’s how awesome the network is. NABA NY has consistently provided me with opportunities to give back in keeping with the NABA motto “Lifting As We Climb”. Whether it was the VITA program, financial literacy workshops or my time leading Student Member Services (SMS) for the chapter, I was able to see the direct impact of the chapter’s efforts on the community.
What advice do you have for students or young professionals?
I encourage students and young professionals to get involved! And to do so in a way that compliments their career objectives. I was able to practice and hone my public speaking skills when leading SMS which paid dividends when I had to speak at large meetings at work. Learning how to lead and motivate the team of VITA volunteers prepared me for leading and motivating teams at work.  

Share a fun fact about yourself.
A fun fact about me is that I have my motorcycle license but really do not know how to ride a motorcycle. I took one of those 2-day courses to learn how to ride a motorcycle and passed the road test at the same time. I passed the road test by 1 point! So I will need more lessons before I’m ready to take a bike out on the road.

Note: Candidates for the Membership Spotlight are based on Board Approval. If you would like to be considered for the Membership Spotlight, please click here. Also if you have recently graduated or completed your CPA, CFA, etc. please email [email protected] to be listed in our accomplishments section. 
Be well and stay safe,
NABA NY Executive Board
NABA NY Chapter | Website