Langmaids Island Development Appeal - Phase 2
Case Management Conference Re-Scheduled to December 13
The Phase 2 Hearing for the Langmaid’s Island Development Appeal will deal with the Plan of Subdivision for the island and the waterfront landings on South Portage Road. A Case Management Conference (CMC) will be held on December 13 (rescheduled from December 2). The parties are Langmaids Island Corp., Town of Huntsville, Township of Lake of Bays, District of Muskoka, Lake of Bays Association, Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation and Kelly Zytaruk. There are several residents listed as participants. Party and participants are restricted to those who participated in the Phase 1 Hearing (held February 2021). Each party has submitted Issues Lists which will be reviewed at the CMC and details of the hearing will be decided.
LOBA and LBHF will be jointly represented at the CMC by Harold Elston who represented the two organizations in the Phase 1 Hearing.
At the outset, the Ontario Land Tribunal ruled that the appeal by Langmaid’s Island Corporation would be heard in two phases. The Phase 1 Hearing was to determine if development would be allowed. If the development was approved, then a Phase 2 Hearing would address issues specific to the terms and conditions of the Plan of Subdivision. The Decision from the Phase 1 Hearing approved amendments to the Lake of Bays Official Plan and Development Permit By-law that will allow development of a maximum of 32 lots on Langmaid’s Island. Rezoning of the two mainland properties on the South Portage Road (in the Town of Huntsville) to serve as waterfront landings was also approved. The Lake of Bays Association and the Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation remain engaged with the appeal to ensure our concerns raised in the Phase 1 Hearing are addressed appropriately in the Plan of Subdivision.
Members of the public are welcome to virtually attend the CMC.
When: Tuesday December 13, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.
Phone Access: Canada (Toll Free): 1 888 299-1889 or Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373
Access code: 927-921-077