Two Special Upcoming Events
River Run Network Clean-up
Rillito & Campbell Ave
Saturday, April 13th @ 4pm - 6pm
With more rain comes more trash in our creeks and rivers. Come celebrate spring in the desert on Saturday, April 13th @ 4pm - 6pm in the Rillito River to pick up trash. There may even be opportunities to see our furry flying friends, the bats!
This is a River Run Network Teen event, which means all ages are invited, including young adults, to participate and help keep trash out of our creeks and rivers!
Click here to join in the fun
Laundry to Landscape (L2L) Greywater Class (Tucson Water Rebate)
Thursday, Apr 18, 2024, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Greywater is a water resource for your fruiting trees and food producing native plants. See how to utilize greywater produced at your home in your landscape and how you can get up to $1,000 dollars for installing a greywater system at your house. This class is required to get the Tucson Water greywater rebate and is a great starting place for anyone wanting to conserve water.
Click Here to learn more and to register