Living Desert Alliance

Keep our Desert and Community Livable and Thriving.


April 11, 2024

2024 Member Survey

A special thanks to

everyone who participated!

The results of last month’s survey have been collected. A review of responses revealed three main areas of member concern:

  • Water
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Land Use (Building, Zoning, and Clean up)

This information is important as we move forward with our efforts. And it proves the information and resources we have provided our members over the last year have been meaningful. Click here to review a breakdown of member responses.


$25 Visa Card Winner!

Congratulations to Terry Carrilio, winner of the $25 Visa Card drawing. Thank you (and everyone) for taking the time to complete the survey

and for your ongoing support.


Remember, we are always happy to receive member feedback.

Your encouragement, suggestions for improvement and topic/event ideas

help us to stay on course and meet our mission to:

Keep our Desert and Environment Livable and Thriving.

Water Harvesting

The practice of capturing and collecting runoff from storms

The City of Tucson is a wonderful resource for information regarding the benefits of water harvesting. They describe Water Harvesting as the practice of capturing and collecting runoff from storms and using the "harvested" stormwater to provide supplemental water for landscape plants.

The benefits of Water Harvesting include:

  • Reduction in the amount of stormwater flowing in streets or onto adjacent properties.
  • Increases the quantity and quality of the water supply for landscape plants.
  • Keeps potential stormwater pollutants out of our streets, watercourses and ultimately, the groundwater.
  • Water Harvesting, appropriately designed and monitored, can reduce the amount of potable water used for irrigation, saving a development money, and reducing the demand on potable water delivery systems.


The City of Tucson encourages Water Harvesting by individuals on private property. If enough people participate, it's possible some urban flooding problems could be reduced.


Click here to learn more about their efforts at capturing this important resource.

Click here to request to join the Tucson Water Harvesters 3.8K member Facebook page.

Two Special Upcoming Events

River Run Network Clean-up

Rillito & Campbell Ave

Saturday, April 13th @ 4pm - 6pm

With more rain comes more trash in our creeks and rivers. Come celebrate spring in the desert on Saturday, April 13th @ 4pm - 6pm in the Rillito River to pick up trash. There may even be opportunities to see our furry flying friends, the bats!

This is a River Run Network Teen event, which means all ages are invited, including young adults, to participate and help keep trash out of our creeks and rivers!

Click here to join in the fun


Laundry to Landscape (L2L) Greywater Class (Tucson Water Rebate)

Thursday, Apr 18, 2024, 5:00pm-7:00pm

Greywater is a water resource for your fruiting trees and food producing native plants. See how to utilize greywater produced at your home in your landscape and how you can get up to $1,000 dollars for installing a greywater system at your house. This class is required to get the Tucson Water greywater rebate and is a great starting place for anyone wanting to conserve water.

Click Here to learn more and to register

Earth Day 2024

Monday, April 22

Join to honor and celebrate our remarkable planet on Earth Day 2024.

Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.

Local events include:

Children's Earth Day Festival. This free community event brought to you by the Children's Museum of Tucson is all about our planet Earth. It takes place on Saturday, April 20th from 9am - 1 pm. There will be exhibitors and activities outside the Museum for all ages. Adults with children are welcome inside the courtyard and the Museum for more kid-centric activities. It’s free! 

Marana Citizens’

Water Academy

April 23rd and April 24th

Ever wonder how Marana Water delivers water right to your tap? If so, register to attend the Marana Citizens’ Water Academy session offered by the Town of Marana Water Department for an inside view.


April 23rd and April 24th

from 5:00 p.m. -6:30 p.m.

in the second-floor Conference Center

11555 W Civic Center Drive.

The program is available to Marana Water residential customers

and others as space permits.

Register here

Spring Break

Our newsletter will be on hold next week.

See you on the 25th!

Living Desert Alliance Website. Stop by for a visit!

Living Desert Alliance