General Membership Meeting Announcement to Vote on Amended Litchfield Chamber of Commerce Bylaws
This announcement, dated Friday, January 21, 2022, serves as official notice of a meeting of the general membership of the Litchfield Chamber of Commerce to vote on Bylaws amendments approved by a majority vote of the Chamber's Board of Directors taken Thursday, January 20, 2022.

This announcement is in compliance with our current Bylaws' requirement to provide five days' notice to members regarding the scheduling of general membership meetings. Due to COVID concerns, the meeting will take place virtually via Zoom at 12 p.m., Wednesday, January 26, 2022. Call-in information is provided below.

What are Bylaws?
The purpose of the Bylaws is to guide a nonprofit Board's actions and decisions. They are helpful in preventing or resolving conflicts and disagreements. They can protect the organization from potential problems by clearly outlining rules around authority levels, rights, and expectations.

Why Did We Make Changes to the Existing Bylaws?
The Chamber's existing Bylaws were adopted a number of years ago and contained outdated information and also lacked current information, such as the option to use email to share information, using virtual meeting tools like Zoom, etc. We also adjusted various scheduling dates to better handle deadlines throughout the year, among other edits. Click the yellow box below to view and/or download the revised Bylaws document.

Zoom Meeting Agenda
Our Zoom meeting will begin at 12 p.m. sharp on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. Plan to join the meeting a few minutes before noon so that you don't miss anything when we begin. Glen Cherry, a member of the four-person Board Members Task Force assigned to bring recommended Bylaws revisions to the Chamber's Board of Directors, will conduct the brief meeting, about 10 minutes in length. He will collect the names of those on the call, and then ask for a vote of those in favor of adopting the revised Bylaws followed by a vote of those opposed.

A simple majority of those members voting "yes" at the meeting is required for adoption of the revised Bylaws. Glen will ask each person present to cast his/her vote verbally, and will announce the results before concluding the meeting. If the Bylaws revisions are accepted, the Board of Directors will begin using them immediately in its regular course of business.

To participate in this meeting from your PC or smartphone, click the red box below.

Thank you in advance for your participation--this action is important to the ways we conduct business in the future as we work to help our business members!