February 5, 2021

To: All Members
Re: Professional Learning

As stressed in our communication to members in November 2020, available here, balancing work commitments and personal responsibilities is important to overall wellness. Achieving and maintaining this balance should be considered by members when making decisions regarding voluntary personal and professional activities.

The NLTA is aware that school districts are offering voluntary/invitational professional learning opportunities that take place outside of the regular work day for teachers, including evenings and weekends. While this is not unprecedented, the volume of such offerings does seem to be increasing. In this regard, members are reminded that, as per Clause 29.06 and Schedule D of the Provincial Collective Agreement (Clause 17.06 and Schedule E of the Labrador West Collective Agreement), teachers cannot be required to be present for duties on weekends, and the employer cannot unilaterally extend the length of the workday for teachers:               
  • 29.06: No teacher shall be required to be present for school duties on Saturday or Sunday.
  • Schedule D: It is agreed that during the term of this Agreement the Employer will not alter conditions as they currently exist for teachers with respect to: … (c) the length of the workday for teachers; …
Opportunities for development and growth are positive, and teacher choice should be supported, but the Association strongly advocates that professional learning the employer promotes and believes is important should be offered during the regular work day with appropriate leave time provided. School district representatives have assured NLTA staff that required/mandatory PL sessions will be provided during regular school hours. With respect to voluntary professional activities, members should, this year more than ever, be mindful of protecting their personal time and maintaining as reasonable a work/life balance as possible. Individuals must make their own decisions based on personal circumstances.

The Association also recommends that members include their PL needs and/or interests in their professional growth plans, and should request leave through their school administration to participate in relevant sessions or workshops that are available during the regular work day. As well, members should avail of any other opportunities to provide input to the employer on PL topics that they would like to see offered during work time.

This school year continues to present new issues, challenges and demands for NLTA members. As professionals, teachers should consider what they can reasonably take on, prioritize, and feel comfortable exercising the discretion they have to set professional limits on voluntary activities for 2020-21.

As always, NLTA members seeking advice/assistance on specific matters related to their individual circumstances should contact the Association via mail@nlta.nl.ca.