Dear Colleagues ;

Your Association has been aggressively lobbying at both the federal and provincial levels to secure economic relief for our members who have experienced the most significant financial hardship due to the suspension of in-school classes. We have asked all members to email their local MHAs and MPs, and we continue to encourage you to maintain this pressure by insisting upon updates from your elected representatives. This urgent issue has been raised with Premier Ball, the Minister of Education and provincial representative in the federal cabinet, Minister Seamus O’Regan. In addition, we have outlined the Association’s concerns in a recent meeting with Dr. Andrew Furey and have a meeting planned with Mr. John Abbott, one of whom will be the province’s next Premier. The NLTA has been providing updated information to all members as it becomes available but unfortunately, our elected leaders fail to see, or refuse to act, on this issue even though the potential consequences to the education system go beyond the personal hardship experienced by NLTA members. 

Therefore, we are seeking your further assistance in our continuing efforts. Your Association would like to gather more specific information on the particular impact the suspension of in-school classes has had on substitute and part-time teachers to support our ongoing advocacy. To that end, I am asking that you please complete a short questionnaire to provide us with this additional information:

The information provided may be used for the purposes of NLTA lobbying efforts to secure financial supports for substitute teachers as referenced above. The information will be kept secure and strictly confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. As well, the information provided will not be used or shared in any way that would personally identify any individual NLTA member. The NLTA privacy policy can be reviewed at this link: .

Thank you in advance.
