Although the Memorial Day Parade has been cancelled, the Tappantown Historical Society is commemorating Memorial Day on May 25 with a virtual concert of Colonial Eramusic performed by the Ministers of Apollo. 

They are Erik Lichack, Eliza Vincz, and Eric Paul. You may remember these talented musicians
from past parades when they played the fife and drum and performed Revolutionary War military music. They have also been demonstrators at Colonial Day for several years, and Erick and Eliza presented a program of colonial music and arts at the THS Annual Meeting in 2018.

Please register for this event through
the Tappan Library. You do not have to watch the concert at the scheduled time of 1 pm if that is not possible. You will receive a recorded copy of the concert to watch at your convenience. Until we can gather safely at events in the future, we will be offering more programs through the library.
To register please use the registration link on Tappan Library website: