DCCA Member Reminder: Register for the June Meeting
Monday, June 7 @ 7:30 PM

The June Membership Meeting marks our last monthly meeting before the summer break. There is a lot going on in DC as we (like the cicadas) emerge from our bunkers and adjust to re-opening and upcoming summer events.

We've asked At-Large Councilmember Elissa Silverman to join the meeting and present on council news and answer your questions.

Members CLICK TO REGISTER for the June meeting.

Not yet a member? New memberships start at $15. Click here to join today!
DCCA Joins with LCCA in Advocating for Neighborhood Tree Care
DCCA joined the Logan Circle Community Association (LCCA) in advocating for funds to be allocated in the upcoming budget for watering street trees and replacing sidewalk litter bins.

Click here to read the joint letter sent to Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto.
DCCA Testifies in Opposition to 17th Street Cafe Enclosure
DCCA testified before the HPRB on May 27th in opposition to a plan by Dupont Italian Kitchen to enclose their sidewalk café on R Street, which was also opposed by the Office of Historic Preservation. We hope this popular restaurant can find a way to accommodate a larger kitchen and replace lost seating. However, the 17th Street commercial area is replete with sidewalk cafes, which offer an almost continuous vista of vibrant street life. Allowing this enclosure is likely to encourage others to follow suit, which will severely alter the ambience and historic character of the neighborhood. Click here to read the testimony sent to the Historic Preservation Review Board. The Historic Preservation Review Board did not approve this project.
DCCA's Featured Home for May: 1615 S St NW
Unbeknownst to most passersby, 1615 S Street was the former home of civil rights pioneer and champion of women’s suffrage, Mary Church Terrell. Listen to DCCA member and local historian, Marc Langston, as he describes Terrell’s connection to Dupont Circle and her struggle to live in the neighborhood. Click to take the tour...
District COVID Update
As always you can find the DC Government's COVID-19 informational page here. The page contains continually updated news, resources, vaccination sites and data on the public health emergency. The Mayor's May 17 Situational Update includes recent announcements.
DPW Update - Full Enforcement Resumes on June 1

Effective June 1 Street sweeping and parking enforcement will resume.

Effective June 1 DPW will resume enforcement of violations, including:
  • Expired parking meters
  • Expired Residential parking permits (RPP)
  • Expired vehicle tabs
  • Parking in no parking zones (ticketed and towed)
  • Registration of residential out-of-state automobiles
  • Abandoned vehicles (ie. with flat tires, expired registrations)

Click here to read the DPW April announcement which includes information on enforcement
FY2022 Budget Announced by Mayor
Mayor Bowser announced the FY2022 budget today at the newly renovated Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library.

You can view the budget presentation, highlights of the budget, take a survey to share your thoughts about the budget, and review previous budgets by clicking here:
Volunteers Needed for Pride Pop-Up
Photo by Phil Carney
Saturday, June 12 from 12:00-6:00 PM

Volunteers are needed to staff the Pride Pop-up in celebration of Pride Month, with more than 50 vendors will be on the sidewalks of P Street and Connecticut Avenue to sell their art, jewelry, and wares. Volunteers will be at the Dupont Circle Metro – North, passing out maps and giving directions.

If you love talking to people and know the neighborhood well, this job is for you.  To volunteer for a three hour shift click here. 

To learn more the pop up shopping event, visit www.DupontCirclePopup.com 
#ShopDupont #PridePopUP #DupontPopUp
Rep. Norton Roundtable with LGBTQ+ Activists
Wednesday, June 16 @ 6:00 PM

Who: All D.C. Residents
Speakers: A panel including Congresswoman Norton and LGBTQ+ activists
What: A roundtable discussion with Congresswoman Norton and LGBTQ+ activists to discuss LGBTQ+ civil rights gains in the past ten years, and what’s next for the movement
Where: Please email to RSVP for the event and receive the Zoom link
☘️ Performance at P Street Beach
Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays @ 7PM
Until June 12

Solas Nua, DC’s Irish arts organization, is staging an outdoor, live theatre production with audiences seated socially distant from each other. Situated in P St Beach in Dupont Circle, the play will welcome audiences to safely enjoy live theatre underneath the summer stars.

To learn more and reserve tickets, click here.
  • All parking restrictions, including street sweeping, are scheduled to resume June 1st.

  • Memorial Day Closures:

Most government services, including the Department of Motor Vehicles, will be closed on Monday.

Trash and recycling in the District will slide to the next day for the rest of the week, as with other state holidays observed on Mondays.

Metro Bus and Rail service will operate on its Sunday schedule

Our trees need water, throughout the Dupont Circle neighborhood. Step us to support your community by pledging to water your trees as needed on a weekly basis, whether in your yard or on your street. Sign up to pledge to water your trees at Casey Trees: https://caseytrees.org/take-action/water/. They will give you instructions, send you a rain gauge, and give you a reminder when you need to water. Keep our community green!
Newslinks of Note
DC Council Approves Amended Comprehensive Plan - LINK

DC’s Attorney General Sues Amazon, Accuses Company Of Monopolizing Online Retail - LINK

Cicada tacos are flying out of the kitchen - LINK

Studio Theatre’s $20 Million Renovation Includes A New Café And Revamped Performance Space - LINK

Extremely cute river otter spotted on national mall - LINK

New Federal Rules Expanding Telework Could Dramatically Change Daily Life in DC - LINK
Membership runs through the calendar year.

DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's Bylaws.
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | info@dupont-circle.org | www.dupont-circle.org