April 2020
A Letter from the Director...
Hello friends,

I am writing to you this month from my home.  As you know, I often refer to the library as the heart of our community.  I still believe that the library is the heart of the community, even when the library is closed and I am writing from home. Over the past month, I find myself thinking that it's just unreal, unimaginable really - that the library is temporarily closed.  It is sad for me to think about the solitude at the dark circulation desk, the isolation in the children's department, and the emptiness of the parking lot.  Even though these images are very real and the library doors are closed, the heart of our library is still beating strong.  The library staff continues to work hard to provide you with electronic resources, information, and unique virtual programming.  We are here for you and are willing to help from a distance. 

Together, we will remain strong, protect and support each other, and soon we will be able to enjoy the things we love outside the comfort of our homes again.  These days are challenging for everyone.  I mostly think of seniors, medical personnel, grocery and pharmacy workers, parents, and children. The small things are important now, a call from a friend, an email from a co-worker, a handwritten letter. For me, it is playing games with my children, watching movies and television shows that were popular when I was young with them, and igniting the beauty of their creativity.  

I was grasping at straws the first week of being home with my children.  I challenged them to draw a picture every day until we return to "normal". They started to draw.  They drew pictures of sunsets, animals, people, and even some avant-garde work (wink!). It was important for me to display these pieces of art because it lifted my spirits. I grabbed some painters tape and started an art gallery. You can see by the photo that our family gallery is quite the conversation piece! 
These drawings make our entire family smile when we need it most, and at the same time provides a glimpse into the imagination of a child during this unprecedented time.  We plan to include these drawings in a family time capsule that we are creating.  One day in the distant future we will open it and remember this very distinct time in history.

I would enjoy hearing about some of the creative things you are doing during this time of social distancing.  Perhaps you are learning a new skill, making beautiful crafts, exercising, practicing mindfulness, reading, or learning a new technology skill.  Send the staff an email at [email protected] and tell us/show us what you are up to or if there is something we can do to help you accomplish a goal!

Stay well, remain positive, focused and strong.  

Holly Bennett
Library Director, In formation Conductor, and Community Ambassador
Stay in the Know!
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Stay up-to-date with our current events --  Follow us on Facebook and Instagram !
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Upcoming Events!
Join us on Thursday, April 16th @ 7pm via Zoom!

To register, email [email protected];
you will receive a link the day of the event.
Next Week is 
National Library Week!

Although our building is not open, we are busy at work lining up online activities, including connecting
with local authors Scott Morro and  Kate Racculia!

Keep an eye out for a full schedule of events!
Now, more than ever, 
we are striving to bring our community together!

Go to our website's homepage and click the #SupportLocal link for information on local businesses; in addition, please follow our stories on Facebook and Instagram for daily shout-outs to local businesses, such as restaurants that are providing take-out.
 We Have So Much to Offer from A Distance!
You can access our digital library 24/7 with a library card!

Register for a card from the comfort of your own home; click here to fill out the online form, and a librarian will contact you.

Happy Reading!

If you or someone you know needs help with technology,  Joe (MLNV's Technology Coordinator) is available to help!   Email [email protected] or call 610-759-4932 x6 to set up a time for your "virtual" one-on-one technology session.

Note: You must have a valid library card to take advantage of this free service.
eBooks, Audiobooks, and MORE!

Although the library building is closed, you are still able to check out books 24/7; anyone with an active library card can borrow electronic materials from our website!
    1. Go to our website.
    2. Click the Collections menu.
    3. Select eBooks & Audiobooks, and follow the directions.
PLUS, new to our line-up of digital services is hoopla!

To access hoopla, VDL, and rb digital, follow the directions outlined above, or simply click here to go directly to the eBooks & Audiobooks page!

Remember, you do need a library card to access these free services, and you can register for one online by clicking here.
Personalized Reading List

Do you love to read, but not sure what your next book will be? We will gladly solve that problem by creating a personalized reading list custom-made for YOU!
    1. Go to our website.
    2. Click on the Services menu.
    3. Select Personalized Reading List, and follow the directions.
Or, simply click here to go directly to the Personalized Reading List form!
Ancestry.com is AVAILABLE NOW 
for Library Patrons' Home Use!

Please email Joe ([email protected]) to access this FREE resource!
Online Story Times!

We understand this is a confusing time for everyone, especially our youngest friends who miss their routines and familiar faces.

If your child is missing our weekly story times with Miss Catherine and Mrs. Kelly, we have you covered! You can keep an eye out on Facebook posts, or by accessing a complete list of recorded story times on our website by clicking here.
Slice of Brooklyn Bus Trip
Please note the date change; it will be the same itinerary and time frame, simply a change in the date. Tickets are available online!

Sunday, September 20th ~ 8:30am to (approximately) 7pm

Join us for a fun-filled day by visiting  Grimaldi's Pizza (under the Brooklyn Bridge);   L&B Spumoni Gardens in Bensonhurst;  various Brooklyn neighborhoods;  movie locations; and  Coney Island boardwalk. 

The ticket price is $110 per person, and this price includes bus, gratuities, two slices of pizza and a non-alcoholic beverage at both pizzerias.

Reserve your spot early -- space is limited! You can pay by cash/check/credit card at the library, or online. Note: payment must be made in full, and is non-refundable.

For more information and/or to reserve your spot online, please visit our website.
Coping with & Adjusting to Current Times
As a staff, we are all working from home to bring you as many resources as possible for the days ahead while our beautiful building remains closed. Not only do we text and email each other daily (yes, weekends too!), we talk via video conferencing and phone calls...something we feel strongly about to keep our staff community together. 

It's important that we are all getting through these unprecedented times together. 

We would like to share how some of the staff are currently living their daily lives, and what they're doing to keep feeling positive and helping each other through this!

Donna takes her breaks from at-home work outside during the day, and in the evenings has plenty of reading to keep her busy! She also finds time to read with friends...
at a social distance, of course!
Although  Jill's  schedule is full with doing projects for the library and teaching at East Stroudsburg University, she finds time to keep up with hobbies, including her latest crochet project...pig slippers! 

When  Nancy  is not busy working with new library materials in her home office, she is busy at her sewing machine making masks for family and friends!

Shelby is another avid reader with many hobbies, and she always has her trusty coworker, Nym, by her side! You can watch Shelby on our  bilingual story time  that was posted last month, and she's also the  narrator of our first  database tutorial !

Both Catherine and Jo Ann are working hard to bring story times to the children and parents who have come to feel like family over the years! Visit our website Event's page and click on Recorded Story Times , then sit back and listen to some great books 
read by the childrens' favorite readers!

Sarah's home office location fluctuates daily as three other people are also at home for work and school; but no matter where she is, her favorite coworker is closeby.
When she's not helping to keep the business side of the library operating, Marie is working with her grandchildren on their at-home school work.

Apparently, Joe filled in his time between technology projects and STEM videos by introducing his face to a razor -- looking good, Joe!
Support the Library While You Shop!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you currently use, with the same products, prices, and services with a different name. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Library. Choose the Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity as the organization to receive your smile donation.

For more ways to support the library, please click here.

Thank you!
Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity 
295 East Center Street, Nazareth PA  18064