November 2020 with a Very Special Announcement!
A Letter from the Director...

Happy November Everyone! The library community is excited and proud to be the Pennsylvania Library Association's 2020 Library of the Year! The four supporting municipalities and the Library Board members who represent them made this award possible. The support we receive from these municipalities equips the staff to offer relevant resources, programming and services that meet the daily needs of our community.

Our donors also played a large role in the achievement of Library of the Year. The support of these individuals and their generosity is vital to our organization. No matter how small or large the donations are, they mean so much. It is through these funds that the library is able to offer unique and creative programming to our youngest patrons, and new experiences to our long-standing ones.

Each one of you reading this newsletter played a role in making our library one to be recognized. Whether you use the library's technology services, borrow materials from our collection, attend the wide array of programs we offer in the literacy areas of health, finance, civic and social responsibility, and basic information, or just love to visit for friendship and conversation, there is something at the library for everyone. The library staff works hard to provide the resources you need to meet your personal goals and we are proud to serve you.

Helen Keller said, "Alone, we can do so little, together, we can do so much." The library staff is a phenomenal team of professionals and together they accomplish amazing things. The staff report to work every day with the desire to provide our community with the best service. They never get distracted and always put our patrons first. They certainly were instrumental in the achievement of this award.

Congratulations, Nazareth and surrounding communities; we achieved this honor together. Nazareth, Pennsylvania, home to the 2020 Library of the Year!

See you at the library!

Holly Bennett
Library Director, Information Conductor, and Community Ambassador


We are proud to serve Nazareth.  Hear what our patrons and community leaders have to say about their library in this short video.
A Thought to Ponder...
"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of a Library."
Jorge Luis Borges 
(1899-1986. Argentine writer)
Don't Forget to VOTE!
Tuesday, November 3rd
If you are not sure where to vote, contact your municipality or visit the
Thank You, Veterans!
Celebrate Veterans' Day:  Wednesday, November 11th
Thank you to all veterans!
We celebrate our freedoms and your incredible sacrifice and patriotism.

 The idea of a public library for Nazareth and its surrounding communities was conceived following WWII when the community decided to erect a living memorial honoring all the local men and women who served in time of war.

Read more about the history of the library and the history of Veterans' Day.
Special Library Merchandise Gift Shop
Looking for that special holiday gift?
Christmas ornaments
short-sleeved and long-sleeved T-shirts
tote bags

Items will be available for purchase in the library throughout the holiday season
and at Christmas in Nazareth on December 12th.
Library Laughs
Why are libraries the tallest buildings in the world?
Because they have so many stories!

Why did the cardiologist recommend that his patients go to the library?
He heard they're good for circulation.

Overheard at the library:
"I'm sorry, sir, but all of our books on Houdini have disappeared..."

Upcoming Special Events

Please check the library website and social media or call the library for updates.
November is Aviation History Month!

Join the library staff for

Story time with pilot Korry Franke
and a virtual STEM activity

Tune in LIVE on Wednesday, November 18th at 4pm!
Join to hear Franke talk about his life as a pilot!
The STEM video will be available immediately after.

Hey, teens, celebrate Games Week!
November 8th-14th
with a
Pokemon Online Trading Game session!
Monday, November 9th, 5pm

To register and obtain the BlueJeans link, email [email protected].  Participants are encouraged to have two devices:  one to play the game and a second to be on BlueJeans.  Participants are also asked to download the game, create an account, and go through the tutorial before the session.  Download the game here.

Authors Galore!
"Between the Covers:  A Conversation about Romance"
with award-winning romance author Piper Malone
Thursday, November 19th, 6pm
The event will be held virtually.
If you are interested, email [email protected] by Tuesday, November 17th for the BlueJeans link.
Malone's books are available for checkout,
and signed copies of Malone's books will be available for purchase soon.


"A History of Santa Claus" with Richard Hope
Wednesday, December 9th, 6pm
The event will be held virtually.
If you are interested, email [email protected] by Monday, December 4th for the BlueJeans link.
Hope will sign copies of his book on Saturday, December 12th, from 12-1pm as part of the Christmas in Nazareth celebration.  Books can be purchased that day.


Learn about Nazareth history with Susan Ellis!
Executive Director of the Moravian Historical Society


Thursday, December 17th, 6pm
The event will be held virtually.
If you are interested, email [email protected] by Tuesday, December 15th for the BlueJeans link.
Bilingual Storytime
Big Dog, Little Dog

Monday, November 16th, 10:30am

Holiday Bedtime Storytimes with Catherine
Watch for details in next month's newsletter!

Origami Day
Wednesday, November 11th

Look forward to a fun video posted
by staff member Kevin to Facebook!
Upcoming Ongoing Events
Mini Book Sale
throughout the month of November
Check out the special book display near the circulation desk.
All items are available for a reasonable donation,
which can be placed in any of the donation jars on the counters.
Join the Brainy Bibliophiles Book Club!
Tuesday, December 1st, 6:30pm


Join this book discussion of  American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land, by Monica Hesse  online via BlueJeans!
The book is available in our collection and as an audiobook on Hoopla.

For more information, and to register for this book club, email [email protected].

Titles for 2021:
Tuesday, March 2nd, 6:30pm

Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30pm

Tuesday, September 7th, 6:30pm

Tuesday, December 7th, 6:30pm

A limited number of copies of the 2021 book selections
will be available at the library for registrants to pick up and keep.  Future registration dates and details will be listed in upcoming newsletters.
Join the Wednesday Night Book Club!
Book discussions are currently being held online via Zoom.

Wednesday, November 11th, 6:30pm
also available as an ebook or audiobook on Hoopla

Saturday, December 12th, 1:00pm
Holiday Party
Grab your favorite holiday beverage and snack
and join the Zoom meeting just to talk and relax.
The 2021 book selections will be revealed during the online festivities!

Wednesday, January 13th, 6:30pm

For more information and to obtain the Zoom links, email [email protected].
Shake & Boogie!
Tuesdays, 10:30am and 11:00am
at 306 Butztown Road
(the Lower Nazareth Township building by the playgrounds and ballfields)
Registration is limited to 14 people.
Masks are required.

PLEASE NOTE:  Shake & Boogie on November 3rd will be on Facebook Live due to election day building use
ALSO:  No Shake & Boogie on November 24th due to the Thanksgiving holiday
Story time!

Thursdays, 10:30am and 11:00am
at 306 Butztown Road
(the Lower Nazareth Township building by the playgrounds and ballfields)
Registration is limited to 14 people.
Masks are required.

PLEASE NOTE:  No Story time on November 26th due to the Thanksgiving holiday

A Thanksgiving take-home craft will be available for pickup beginning
Friday, November 20th, while supplies last.
Calling All Writers!

It's not too late to join the newly-formed
 creative writing group!

This group is facilitated by a local college professor who holds a Ph.D. in English and has a love for writing.  At each meeting, participants will receive a new writing prompt and be asked to share their responses (whether poetry, fiction, or nonfiction) to a previous writing prompt.  Participants may request constructive criticism or just a friendly listening audience.

If you are interested in joining the group and obtaining more details about the group, email [email protected].

The group's next BlueJeans meetings are
Monday, November 2nd, 7pm
Monday, November 16th, 7pm
Monday, December 7th, 7pm
Monday, December 21st, 7pm
Join the next meetings of the
The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is an open-forum where teens discuss the issues related specifically to teen use of the library (materials and events).
The MLNV's Teen Advisory Board is back for the Fall!  This session they will be focusing on community service projects, teen programming, and fundraising.  Meetings will take place on alternating Mondays and Wednesdays from Monday, October 19th to Wednesday, December 9th. Exact dates are as follows:
  • Monday, October 19th, 5:30-7pm
  • Wednesday, October 28th, 3-4:30pm
  • Monday, November 2nd, 5:30-7pm (via BlueJeans only)
  • Wednesday, November 11th, 3-4:30pm
  • Monday, November 16th, 5:30-7pm
  • Wednesday, November 25th, 3-4:30pm (via BlueJeans only)
  • Monday, November 30th, 5:30-7pm
  • Wednesday, December 9th, 3-4:30-7pm
PLEASE NOTE: Meetings will be held both online and in-person unless indicated otherwise above.  In-person meetings will take place at the Lower Nazareth Municipal Building at 306 Butztown Road, Bethlehem.  In-person meetings can be cancelled at any time, but online meetings will continue throughout the whole session.  Links to the online meeting will be sent the morning of each meeting.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to TAB Supervisor at [email protected]

Perks of joining the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity's TAB:  making new friends, receiving volunteer hours, and the ability to make creative and financial choices involving teen programming & the YA/Teen room renovations.

Requirements to join:  Entering 7th to 12th grade, have a MLNV library card, be willing to participate in TAB discussions and voice your opinions, and be willing to respect the opinions, tastes, privacy & choices of others.

Interested in joining the TAB? Want more information? Feel free to e-mail all questions to [email protected].
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month
Check out the special display during the latter half of the month!
Native American Heritage Day is Friday, November 27th.
What Book Has Had the Most Impact on You and Why?
Donna Hartman, Acquisition Librarian:
"I believe the entire Nancy Drew Series of books had a great impact on me.  I was probably in 5th grade when one of my neighbors gave me my first Nancy Drew book.  With that first book, I was completely hooked.  I loved the determined character of Nancy Drew and how she loved to solve mysteries.  I read along with those books fashioning myself as her accomplice traveling with her every step of the way.  She was a wonderful role model with her 'can do spirit' not afraid to tackle important questions.  Those books showed me that girls can make their mark in the world and started me on my path to my love of reading."

(The library has many Nancy Drew titles!)

Shelby Rozell, Library Specialist:
"The Dinner List - I loved the premise of the book because it's a question that's asked often in a joke-y manner:  If you could have a dinner with five people, who would it be? 
The Dinner List takes that question seriously and puts the main protagonist in that exact scenario for her 30th birthday.  The story allowed me to imagine conversations with long-expired friends, historical figures I admire, old grudges, and also my beloved grandmother who passed away in 2015.  The book in itself is a love note to relationships:  both the good and the bad kind.  My experience reading it was absolutely wonderful, but involved a lot of tears: again, both the good and the bad kind.  Overall, it's one of my recent reads that has stuck with me, and I think it's a book I'll be talking about for years to come.

(The library owns this book).

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series - This was the first book series I read as a preteen where I realized my TRUE love for reading.  I had always enjoyed reading before this time, but PJO was the first time I was part of a 'fandom' and the series that made me realize that reading wasn't simply a hobby for me - it was a lifeline.

(The library owns the series).

The Alchemist - This is the classic answer, right?  I read it for the first time at the beginning of 2019, when I had only been working at the library for a few months.  An overarching theme of the book is the idea of the Personal Legend.  Essentially, a person's sole purpose in life should be to live out their personal dreams.  It's also mentioned in the book that often people figure out what their Personal Legend is when they're children, but that the idea is lost as they grow older - leaving many people without the chance to pursue that Personal Legend.  As a recent college graduate at the time, this theme hit me right in the gut.  I knew that I had spent the past few years studying something I was passionate about, but I also knew that the path set forth by that specific degree was not one that I wanted to take.  Ending up at the library was a happy accident, and for some crazy reason I knew that ending up at MLNV was me getting back on track to pursue my personal legend.  I'm now pursuing my MLS and hope to serve my community through my work at public libraries for the rest of my life."

(The library owns this book).

Check out these great books today!
Congratulations to the Contest Winner!

MLNV Website Scavenger Hunt Contest Winner:
Rachel Kamery
who answered ALL of the questions correctly!
Great job!
Rachel won a MLNV tote bag filled with books and other prizes.

Here are the answers:

1. The library director's letter in the newsletter from exactly four years ago mentions three movies. What is the complete Call Number of the second one mentioned in the letter? (ADVENTURE DVD NAT 2008)
2. One way to donate to the library is to make a Planned Gift by giving through your will/living trust or how else? (make MLNV a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy)
3. The Special Collection DVDs include one from PBS that features a certain type of sweet food and where you can find it. What is that food? (pie)
4. One of the library's most circulated magazine titles focuses on sports. What is the title of the magazine? (Sports Illustrated)
5. Typically, meeting rooms at the library can be reserved at no charge for organized non-profit associations, government entities holding a meeting or event that is open to the public without a fee or donation charge, and what else? (tax supported institutions)
6. A free museum pass to Elmwood Park Zoo allows admission for a maximum of how many people? (8)
7. The CIA World Factbook provides information on the history and geography of how many world entities? (267)
8. The Small Engine Repair _____ _____ offers guides for all types of small engines and is available via PowerLibrary. What words belong in the two blanks? (Reference Center)
9. In what month and year was the strategic planning process first launched by the Library Board of Directors? (September 2016)
10. The idea of a public library for Nazareth and the surrounding communities came about when the community decided to make a living memorial to honor whom? (all the local men and woman who served in time of war)

Thanks to all who entered and explored the MLNV website.
Check out future newsletters for more contests!
Current Hours of Operation
The Library is Open to Limited Capacity in November.
Thank you for your continued patronage!

Monday and Friday
10am - 5pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

9am - 4pm

PLEASE NOTE:  The library will close at 5pm on Wednesday, November 25th and be closed on Thursday, November 26th; Friday, November 27th; and Saturday, November 28th to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Patrons are encouraged to make their selections in a timely manner; we will allow only 10 patrons in the building at one time. You can call 610-759-4932 to make an appointment; walk-ins are welcome, as spots become available.
Borrowing and Returning Items
Borrowed Items --> Plastic Bags, Please

Our book drop is open 24/7, or you can return your items on a book cart as you enter the library during our hours of operation. 

Whether you return your items in the book drop or on the book cart in the library, we ask that you please continue putting your items into closed plastic bags.  Thank you!

Don't worry if you see your returned items still on your account several days after you have returned them.  For everyone's health and safety, we are quarantining returned materials for 7 days upon receipt.

Curbside Service with myLIBRO!

Explore our curbside service which will allow you to select materials remotely from your mobile device and schedule curbside pick up at the library!

How to Create Your Account
  1. Download the myLibro app (available on iOS and the Google store).
  2. Find "Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity" on the dropdown menu.
  3. Type in your library card number (all 14 digits, NO spaces).  Your library pin will be the last four digits of the phone number the MLNV has on file under your account UNLESS you had previously changed your PIN.  For help with your library card number or pin number, reach out to [email protected].
Stay in the Know with Social Media!
It's easy to stay up-to-date with our many current events for all ages! 
Follow us on FacebookInstagramand now  Twitter!

Like us on Facebook   View on Instagram     
 Additional Services
You can access our digital library 24/7 with a library card!

Register for a card from the comfort of your own home; click here to fill out the online form, and a librarian will contact you.

Happy Reading!

If you or someone you know needs help with technology, we are available to help!  Email [email protected] or call 610-759-4932 to set up a time for your "virtual" one-on-one technology session.

Note: You must have a valid library card to take advantage of this free service.
eBooks, Audiobooks, and MORE!

Anyone with an active library card can borrow electronic materials from our website!
    1. Go to our website.
    2. Click the Collections menu.
    3. Select eBooks & Audiobooks, and follow the directions.
To access these resources, follow the directions outlined above, or simply click here to go directly to the eBooks & Audiobooks page!

Remember, you do need a library card to access these free services, and you can register for one online by clicking here.
Missed a newsletter?


No worries! You can find past MLNV newsletters on our website. Click here to read our newsletters that date back to 2015; or, simply visit our website, click the Events menu and select Newsletter.

Happy Reading!
Support the Library While You Shop!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you currently use, with the same products, prices, and services with a different name. When you shop at, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Library. Choose the Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity as the organization to receive your smile donation.

For more ways to support the library, please click here.

Thank you!
Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity 
295 East Center Street, Nazareth PA  18064