Weekly Newsletter of Memorial Lutheran Church                                 Houston, Texas
Memorial Messenger
7 June 2019
MLC VBS 2019!

MLC will hold Vacation Bible School the week of 24-28 June 2019. 

Register ahead of time online  here.
What the Father abundantly promises, Jesus the Son graciously provides in His death and resurrection for you, and then the Spirit joyfully brings all that to you in the Word and Gifts of Jesus. That's what the Apostles Creed confesses from the Holy Scriptures.  Higher Things ®  We All Believe Vacation Bible School delivers all that to your children over a 5-day curriculum, which is specifically designed to highlight the knowledge and enthusiasm of your church's youth for God's Word. 
Volunteers are needed: sign up here.
Please see Pastor Pacey or Rev. Gaub for more information.

From the Vicar
United in Him

At Babel, mankind was united in rebellion against God. Instead of listening to God's command to be fruitful and fill the earth (Gen 1:28; 9:1), they stayed in one place (11:4). There they tried to make a name for themselves (Gen 11:4), when God is the one who makes a name for His people (Gen 12:2). God confused their common language and scattered them throughout the earth so that they would not remain secure in their sin, where they only had death and damnation.
God desires that all people be united in Him, not against Him. The Son of Man was lifted up on the cross to gather all people to Himself (John 12:32). On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was sent so that people heard the gospel in their own language and believed in Jesus (Acts 2:6). Through God's Word, the Holy Spirit continues to create and sustain faith in Jesus, uniting us in His body, where we have life and salvation.
Sunday's Scripture Readings & Hymns

Hymns: 501, 497, 644, 496, 823, 503
Summer Sunday School 
Summer Sunday School for children ages 2 year old through high school takes place on Sundays in June through August each year.  To sign up as a volunteer teacher, go to  the signup genius page  and pick the age group and Sundays you are available.  Volunteers must be at least 17 years old.
There will be two volunteers per class with the exception of the 2 year old class where parents attend with their kids, so you don't have to go it alone. A reminder e-mail and lessons for each class you sign up for will be provided along with the Guidelines for Summer Sunday School. Note: all volunteers must have completed the  child and youth safety policy training .
Any questions? Contact  Jess Rosenwinkel , Summer Sunday School Superintenden t .
If you have suggestions about things that you'd like to see in the Memorial Messenger, please let the office staff know. We would love to hear from you.

Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray
Senior Pastor
Memorial Lutheran Church and School
In This Issue
Let Us Pray
For Michael Koutsodontis as he continues treatment

For LouAnn Webber as she continues treatment

For Robert Brimberry as he continues treatment

For those families affected by the floods from Hurricane Harvey
Guest Preacher 7 July

Charles Cortright and his wife, Connie, will be visiting MLC on 7 July. Rev. Dr. Cortright, who is teaching at the Lutheran Seminary in St. Petersburg, Russia, will be preaching at both services and leading Bible class in the Fellowship Hall. He and Connie, wish to share with you God's Work that is occurring in Russia. You can read more about Rev. Dr. Cortright and Connie at their LCMS page here.
Memorial Lutheran Church | [email protected] | http://www.mlchouston.org | http://www.memoriallutheranschool.org
5800 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77057