Thursday, November 16, 2023
Memorial Community Member
Next week we all great a wonderful break from school for our Thanksgiving Break. Take this time to rest, recharge and spend time with family.
Families, also take this time to check Skyward and take a look at your soldiers grades. Thanksgiving marks the half way point for the 2nd quarter and before we know it we will be on Winter Break and the quarter will be over. During this week off is a great time to catch up on missed assignments and take a few minutes between family time and Black Friday shopping to study a bit.
When students return on Monday, November 27th, there are just a few days until December and a large block of testing days. Be sure to make plans now to have your SOLDIER in school on December 5, 7, 11-12 and 14th. These are all important testing days that will effect your child’s grade and promotion status.
We wish you all a wonderful holiday break and start the countdown until the BIG WINTER BREAK!!
Eddie Foster
Proud Principal
2220 W. 29th Street
Orlando, FL 32805
(407) 245-1810
December brings several important tests for our SOLDIERS. Please be sure to have your child on campus with their laptop, fully charged, ready to test on the dates below.
Interested in getting in your correct grade?
7th and 8th graders!! Are you interested in getting to your correct grade? If you are, email AP Rodriguez at and you will get information on your options!!
Congrats to Ms. Hanford’s 1st Period ELA!
We want to take a moment to congratulate Ms. Hanford’s 1st period ELA class. Recently they took one of district assessments and did a tremendous job! Our students are doing amazing and we love seeing their growth.
For Quarter 2, our end-of-quarter events will start December 18th. We have a dance and pep rally planned for all our students who have been coming to school, have taken all their CFE, PMA and PM tests and do not have any Level 2 or 3 referrals.
Students, make sure you behaving right so you can attend these events.
Our Soldiers have been doing AMAZING this VOLLEYBALL season. Our girls are powering thru each game, getting better and better and our boys are on quite a winning streak. Be sure to congratulate our volleyball players on their 2023-2024 season.
8th Grade Scholarship to Valencia College
8th Graders!! Valencia Horizon Scholars Application Now Open
8th Graders, visit the link beelow to apply for the Valencia Horizon Scholarship.
With the opportunity students receive:
• A two-year Florida Prepaid Scholarship to use at any public institution in the state of Florida. *Awarded upon successful program completion and graduation from a public high school in the state of Florida.
• A volunteer mentor from the community who they will meet with a minimum of 15 times per year.
• College and life-skills readiness workshops to support personal and professional growth.
• Support with community service hour completion.
• A College Success Coordinator from our team who meets with students a minimum of once per quarter.
• Academic support to maintain the required 2.5 cumulative GPA.
• Accountability support to help ensure they maintain an academic record that does not include excessive absences or behavioral issues.
OCPS 2024-2025 Magnet Applications Open
The School Choice Services Department assists in increasing awareness among parents and other community members about voluntary public school choice options in Florida.
School Choice means providing parents the opportunity to be involved in selecting the school their child will attend. Florida's Independent Education and Parental Choice initiative hope to allow all of Florida's children the opportunity to receive the highest quality of education available to them.
Our goal is to provide services and assistance needed to help children receive the education that best meets their needs.
Information will be coming soon about opportunities at Memorial Middle School for next year.
OCPS Virtual Magnet Fair is now online. See all of the programs available for elementary, middle & high school. Just click below.
Memorial Middle School is HIRING!
Memorial Middle IS HIRING!! Come join the BEST team in @ocpsnews and become part of our #oneocps FAMILY!
Link to vacancies:
Final Thoughts and Motivation . . .
As we approach the Thanksgiving break, we leave our Memorial community with thoughts about gratitude, thankfulness, blessings, forgiveness, and compassion.
On Gratitude
When you’re grateful for everything you have, it just leads to happiness.
~ Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, wrestler and actor
On Thankfulness
I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.
~ Henry David Thoreau, essayist
On Blessings
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
~ Willie Nelson, musician
On Forgiveness
Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader
On Compassion
No one has ever become poor by giving.
~ Anne Frank, author (The Diary of Anne Frank)
Mr. Foster, Principal
Memorial Middle School
Thursday, November 16, 2023
2023-2024 Memorial Middle Senior Leadership Team
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Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS-Memorial Middle School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Memorial Middle School. Please contact Ms. Heather Rodriguez (assistant principal) at with any questions.