Merciful Father, Your dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, rose victorious over death and the grave. We remember with thanksgiving the faithful dead, who trusted in Christ and who now stand in Your nearer presence where all sorrows are turned to joy. Strengthen us in the confident hope of the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come that we may await with joy our reunion in Your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
For President Michael Newman of the Texas District of the LCMS, who was reelected to office, that he would be kept safe in travel and faithful in deliberation
For Royce Mosby, that he would be strengthened in body and soul
For the faculty and staff of Memorial Lutheran School, that they would be strengthened in their labors and find joy in their service
Art: DÜRER, Albrecht The Adoration of the Trinity (1511)