These are the final chapters from 2019. Future entries will be in the present as KC and Sumi cope with isolation and COVID's dangers. The video above and the entry that follows are from June 2.

by KC Mehta

Friendship rekindled!

Many times people ask me if your wife (Sumi) remembers who you are. Invariably, my pet answer is “I am not sure. And it does not matter, as I know that she is my wife.” I also add examples that when Sumi is in a good mood, she differentiates in showing her affection by knowing whom to kiss where . . . me on the lips, Peggy on the cheeks and male visitors (a friend comes to mind) on the forehead.

Peggy, Sumi’s morning caregiver, stopped by this afternoon to say Hi. Due to Covid-19, this was the first time, after an absence of 71 days, that Peggy and Sumi met. When Peggy came, wearing the mask, Sumi was sitting in the den chair and looked at Peggy for few seconds to process who she was looking at. As soon as Peggy extended her hand to Sumi, she got up from the chair.

It was remarkable to see the interaction between Sumi and Peggy. Somewhere along, Peggy’s mask came down, as they were hugging and reconnecting with each other. There were more emotional moments, which I could not capture as I was observing them and soaking in the moment when Sumi was actually crying (sobbing) as if she had found a long lost friend!

I have read that the part of the brain that perceives, receives and gives love stays mostly intact, even at the advanced stage of the disease. I witnessed that today with emotions on full display.

Now, when asked if Sumi remembers me, I can cite today’s re-bonding between Sumi and Peggy.

Sumi was diagnosed with younger onset Alzheimer’s at age 59. She and husband KC had been happily married for more than 40 years. KC shares his journey in Caregiver Connection to increase awareness of Alzheimer's disease and help others find solace.
Free Meditations & Mindfulness to Reduce Stress
Stay home, stay MIndful.

To the people of Michigan: staying inside isn’t always easy, but Governor Whitmer and Headspace want to help you take care of yourselves and one another while staying home and staying safe.

Visit a special collection of meditation, sleep, and movement exercises designed to help you keep a strong and healthy mind in the midst of this global health crisis. All Michiganders — from the shores of Lake Superior to the streets of Detroit — have free access.

This 6-week program will help you take care of yourself while caring for a relative or friend (no professional caregivers, please). You will benefit from the workshop whether you are helping a parent, spouse, friend or someone who lives at home, in a nursing home, or across the country. Please note that this workshop will not focus on specific diseases or hands-on caregiving for the care receiver.

Upcoming Virtual Workshop
Wednesdays, June 17 – July 22, 2020
2:30 – 4:00 pm
Workshop is free, but donations are accepted.
To register, call Tri-County Office on Aging at 517-887-1465

Learn the warning signs of mismanagement on Next Avenue , plus expert advice on when to step in. You can also visit for free trainings on managing the money of the people you care for.

The ELECTRA Study Seeks Volunteers for Memory Research

Wayne State University is conducting a study to better understand potential biomarkers that may predict cognitive loss and even the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease. 

The ELECTRA study is seeking African-American males and females, ages 65 and over. 

Volunteers will receive compensation for participation. 

Eligible volunteers will undergo the following: 
  • Brief neurological assessments
  • Tests of memory and thinking
  • An electroencephalogram (EEG): a recording of tiny electrical signals from the top of the head.

Call 313-577-1276 or send an email at [email protected] to learn more.
Today Was a Good Day

A deeply honest and moving film about the joys and struggles of caregiving. A look inside the day-to-day lives of three southeast Michigan caregivers as they embrace the roles and responsibilities of caring for an aging parent .