
The World is Too Much with Us
“The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers”
 The English Romantic Poet William Wordsworth composed those lines as the opening to a poem he wrote in 1802. He was concerned that the first Industrial Revolution was pulling people away from their natural state of being into an artificial world that was dominated by machines, materialism, and technology. It is doubtful that the poet could have envisioned the world we live in today. It is a world where machines, materialism, and technology not only dominate our daily lives but make it hard to imagine living without them.
   It is true that all of this technological progress has raised the standard of living for millions of people. It can also be said that the prevalent and intrusive nature of today’s technology does nothing to meet your deeper spiritual needs and desires. In fact, the exact opposite may be true. Rather than bringing you closer to God your thoughts and energy are often wasted and distracted by ever the present diversionary pleasures of an artificial world.    This means when your relationships are challenging, work unfulfilling, and family dynamics draining, you fall into a life of despondency. You may seek easy short-term technological escapes from a world that seems mostly gray and arduous. Yet none of those things fulfills you in the way you truly want and desire.
  Over 2000 years ago Jesus offered us an alternative to all of this when he indicated that while we have tribulation in the world we should: “Be of Good Cheer for I Have Overcome the World”.  His promise of yesterday still stands with us today… and forever.

  As you consider your contribution to St John’s 2019 pledge drive you may first want to take a few momen ts to focus on the deeper and mystical aspects of the joys and peace that God is offering.  Following this quiet reflection you may feel it is time to bring God’s special message:
David Weir, Senior Warden
  • St. John's Fall Clean Up: This Saturday, October 13, 8:00 - 11:00 AM (approx.)
The Men's Group will lead this effort and provide everything needed.  We invite anyone who would like to work inside or outside this weekend to come and help as we prepare our campus for Centreville Day on Oct. 20.
  Pending tasks/lists:
  1. Bush trimming around the property; making sure vegetation is not touching the buildings
  2. Clean up branches/fallen trees everywhere including the Gilead Green in the back 
  3. Sweep all four entrances w/ the gravel that has gone into the streets
  4. Gravel parking lot - leveling. (pot holes are really bad since the heavy rains)
  5. Inside; spray / clean a new mold issue that has cropped up in the kitchen
  6. Weeding flower/plant beds
  7. Tweak the battle field fence; make sure boards are on the stones, so no direct contact w/ the ground except for vertical posts
RSVP, so we can plan for appropriate supplies, project list(s), etc. ; C: 703-477-8980
Bob Faithful is in charge of breakfast for the morning. Thank you Bob.
Thank you for continuing to make the St. John's campus look fantastic. Your time, talent, and treasure is definitely being noticed with all of the recent and pending upgrades!

  • Centreville Day is just around the corner...and we need more volunteers to staff our table!
Centreville Day is Saturday, October 20 and takes place in our front parking lot and on down Mt. Gilead Road. There's lots of music, entertainment, food and other vendors. St. John's usually sells coffee and hot chocolate, bakery items, and opens the historic church for tours . It's a good way to connect with the community and raise some funds. We will need volunteers to work 2 hour shifts on that day, as well as bakers who can provide things to sell. Small bags of cookies, brownies and other sweets sell the best. Please sign up in the breezeway if you can help.

  • Diocesan Fall Meeting of the ECW and Ingathering of the UTO
The Fall Ingathering of the UTO will be held on Thursday, October 11 at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Oak Hill (Herndon) from 8:30 AM to about 3:00 PM. Join us for a day of fellowship, education and the Holy Eucharist; hear UTO grant recipients and an update on combatting human trafficking in Virginia; and learn about the Triangle of Hope and the Mother's Initiatives. The cost is $30 and registration forms are available from Carol. Please let Carol know if you plan to attend.

  • Donation Envelopes for Western Fairfax Christian Ministries Thanksgiving baskets
I t's not too early to start thinking about helping our neighbors in need with food baskets for Thanksgiving! Envelopes are on the back table in the church to make donations to purchase the food for the baskets. We will be providing 10 baskets for Thanksgiving and 10 baskets for Christmas. Thanks (again!) to Marie McDermott for organizing this outreach ministry.

  • Western Fairfax Christian Ministries Fellowship Dinner
The Annual WFCM Fellowship Dinner will be held on Friday, October 12 at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles Center in Chantilly, starting at 6:00 PM with a silent auction, and dinner to follow at 7:00 PM. The keynote speaker will be Ken Harvey from the Washington Redskins. RSVP by October 3. Tickets are $125. For more information or to register, click here: or call 703-988-9656, ext. 105.

  • Israel Pilgrimage Group To Meet Thursday, October 25
The group going to Israel in January will meet on Thursday, October 25 at 7:00 PM at St. John's. The Rev. Cheryl Wade, who recently went on a trip to Israel through St. George's College, will go over the "nuts and bolts" of the trip and talk about her experiences.

  • Many thanks go to...…
-Lindsay Jones for staffing the nursery on Sunday.
-Jerry Stacks, David Weir, Jim Elliott and Tom McDermott for fixing the parish hall doors and the door to the historic church.

  • Parish News
-Congratulations go to Amy and Joel Gallant on the birth of their third daughter, Josephine Brennan Gallant, on Tuesday, October 2. Twins Kate and Bailey are the big sisters. The Gallant family has recently moved to Springfield and will be finding a church closer to their new home. They will be greatly missed at St. John's!
-Our condolences and sympathy is extended to the family of James and Teri Langley on the death of his mother, Cathy Langley. James and Teri are the parents of twins Zadie and Zander. "May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace."

  • Carol will be attending the "Clergy, Spouses, and Lay Professionals Conference" at Shrine Mont on October 15-17. She will be back in time for the Wednesday 6:00 PM service.
We can prepare our hearts & minds by reading ahead
for the Sunday Service lessons.   
The Twenty-first Sunday
after Pentecost

October 14, 2018
9:30 AM 
 The First Reading: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
The way of happiness and peace is to do good rather than evil; in all things, to speak and act with integrity and with kindness.

The Psalm: 90:12-17
The Epistle: Hebrews 4:12-16
To live with integrity and kindness, to push evil away and to seek only the light, is easier proclaimed than practiced. God knows this firsthand.

The Gospel: Mark 10:17-31
What are the things you hold most dear and give your greatest love? These could be taken from you for the cause of Christ. We must be prepared to lose everything for the sake of God's glory.

  FROM 10:50 - 11:50 AM
(Rm. 205) 
During the Service

 Each week, St. John's children join with three of our Ministry Partners: 
Fairfax Chinese Christian Church, Wellspring UCC & Grace Baptist Church
Room 207/208

St. John's Sunday School class for ages 2-4, Room 215
Meets the first Sunday of each month from 10:50 - 11:30 

A Rule of Life: The Way of Love
From the Episcopal News Service
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry spent much of his first three years as head of the Episcopal Church talking about Episcopalians being part of the Jesus movement. He has called them to follow Jesus into loving, liberating and life-giving communion with God, with God’s creation and with each other. “Pretty early on, people started saying, "How do we do that?’” said the Rev. Stephanie Spellers, the presiding bishop’s canon for evangelism, reconciliation and creation care. “So the presiding bishop really took that to heart.” Bishop Curry provided an answer at the General Convention in July by launching a “rule of life” framework dubbed “The Way of Love, ”featuring seven practices for Jesus-centered living. Those practices, hardly revolutionary, should be familiar to most Christians.
TURN : Pause, listen and choose to follow Jesus.
LEARN : Reflect on Scripture each day, especially on Jesus’ life and teachings.
PRAY: Dwell intentionally with God each day.
WORSHIP : Gather in community weekly to thank, praise and dwell with God.
BLESS : Share faith and unselfishly give and serve.
GO : Cross boundaries, listen deeply and live like Jesus.
REST: Receive the gift of God’s grace, peace and restoration.

Sign Up Here to be an altar server *, or to donate flowers for a Sunday service, or to bring refreshments for Coffee Hour after the service. * (if you're not an altar server, and would like to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), a Lector, or a Crucifer, please see Carol).


"We know that food can be one of the most expensive items on a household budget list. Our hope is that in allowing our clients to visit once per month they will save enough money to pay for other expenses such as rent or utility bills." - WFCM

Items are collected weekly in the baskets at the front door of St. John's Church.
AS OF 10/02/2018
Currently Needed Items
Food & Beverages

  • Fruit Juice (individual size appreciated)
  • Canned pineapple
  • Tomato paste
  • Sugar
  • Canned vegetables (no green beans or corn needed)
  • Flour
  • Oil
  • Pancake Mix/Syrup
  • Pasta
  • Canned spinach or collards

(NOTE: Toiletry items cannot be purchased by our clients with their food stamps)
  • Body wash
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo

Every Wednesday evening, we have a service of Holy Eucharist and healing at 6:00 PM. The service is about 30 minutes. It is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to church on Sunday mornings, as well as a good spiritual boost in the middle of the week. Come join us!

There are many voices of violence in our society. Violence in our movies, violent games and websites. Lax gun laws in this country which scandalously cannot be reformed. Violent voices, violent organizations, which grow and flourish and take root. With these voices of violence so loud, it is our responsibility as Christians to stand up in Jesus’ name and speak with his voice of peace.
-Br. Geoffrey Tristram
My email address is,
and the office number is 703-803-7500. 

May our ministry together spread God's love to all whom we encounter.
      - Carol

        The Rev. Carol Hancock, Rector
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