High science and technical translations using the world's best medical and pharmaceutical translators and proofreaders
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Want to know more about how we can improve your translations?
How automation affects the translation profession
The control of the translation process is being transferred from translators to computers, according to the European Language Industry Survey 2022, with 45% of language company respondents reporting that more than 25% of their projects are run using automated workflows.
Why mental healthcare is less accessible to marginalized communities
Individuals from minoritized ethnic communities are generally less likely to use mental healthcare services than the majority white population. Some of the reasons for disparities in mental health utilization by marginalized ethnic groups include provider discrimination, lack of adequate health insurance, high costs, limited access to quality care, stigma, mistrust of the healthcare system, and limited awareness about mental illnesses.
Improving medical communication through social media
We are currently living in a digital age, where millions of people worldwide are using social media to communicate daily. What impact has social media had on the share of medical information?
Presenting complaint: use of language that disempowers patients
Language is important. It is a vehicle for sharing knowledge and understanding, and a means by which we can express and communicate our values to others. In a medical context, language does more than transfer information between patients and healthcare providers—it has the potential to shape therapeutic relationships. Indeed, specific word choices and phrases affect how patients view their health and illness, reflect healthcare workers’ perceptions of their patients, and influence medical care and treatments offered. Language in medical narratives also shapes how trainees think, talk, and act, perpetuating any ingrained biases.
The Spanish language may hold the key to a perplexing health mystery
This ability to minimize or exaggerate a situation by simply adding a suffix is one feature of the Spanish language that could contribute to a striking resilience in health that researchers have documented in Hispanic populations in the United States, called the "Hispanic Paradox."
Quebec language reform could lead to "medical errors, even deaths"
A group of doctors and professionals is asking that the health and social services network be excluded from Quebec’s plans to reform language laws with Bill 96.
The Coalition for Quality Health and Social Services (CSSSQ) says it is concerned about the harmful effects the law could have because of the obligation to speak in French to newcomers who may have limited knowledge of the language.
In an open letter published on Wednesday, the CSSSQ says the current version of the bill "could put people's lives at risk or have negative impacts on mental health if implemented."
A surprising cause of healthcare worker burnout: tech
Whether you’re a techie or a bit of a Luddite, it’s hard to argue that in some cases, at least, technology can make things easier. In the medical field, everything from innovations in treatment and prevention, to using AI to reduce the burden of mundane tasks like billing and record-keeping, should be making things easier for patients and health professionals alike.
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- The death rate from suicide for Hispanic men was four times the rate for Hispanic women, in 2018.
- However, the suicide rate for Hispanics is less than half that of the non-Hispanic white population.
In 2019, suicide was the second leading cause of death for Hispanics, ages 15 to 34.1
- Suicide attempts for Hispanic girls, grades 9-12, were 30 percent higher than for non-Hispanic white girls in the same age group, in 2019.
- In 2018, Hispanics were 50 percent less likely to have received mental health treatment as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
- Poverty level affects mental health status. Hispanics living below the poverty level, as compared to Hispanics over twice the poverty level, are twice as likely to report serious psychological distress.
Did you know that aiaTranslations' customizes the reading level of their translations? This is a critical step in patient education translations.
Ten more mistakes to avoid in localization
Recently, Multilingual magazine highlighted five mistakes to avoid when planning and envisioning a localization project. But what about the pitfalls that arise when you get into the work of localizing content? Helping customers avoid these mistakes is no small matter — it wins loyalty and trust. Since there are no shortage of errors that can trip up any work project, here are ten more mistakes to avoid in localization.
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