Mentor Meetups!

Want to know more about Fulbright Honors? Need help getting ready for grad school? Curious about what presenting your thesis is actually like? We can help!

Learn from experienced honors students!

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The Fulbright Honors Peer Mentors want to meet up with you! Come hang out, meet your fellow honors freshmen and upperclassmen, and learn from our mentors!

Each meetup will talk about a different topic our mentors wished they knew more about when they started. Learn about grad school, general tips and tricks, theses, and research! And of course, each meeting will end with a Q&A for all you curious minds 😄

We want to give you a roadmap to success! You don't have to navigate the honors program by yourself!

These meetings will be from 3:30 to 4:30 in Giffels Auditorium - Old Main 201.

 RSVP for the meeting(s) you'd like to attend below!

Still not convinced? Come by and have some snacks! food 🤤

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Grad School

Entrance exams, deadlines, required classes, oh my. Curious about grad school (Law, PA, Med, etc.) and the steps you need to take?

We can help!

February 28th

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Insider Tips

Our seniors are passing the torch to their peers! Room reservations?? Rescheduling exams?? Learn tidbits for success from some awesome mentors!

March 28th

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What's a thesis defense actually like? How do you start the research process? How do you decide on a thesis advisor? Find out here!

April 27th


Can't attend? Don't worry. We got you.

We know schedules can be rough to navigate. That's why we're recording each meeting and sending it to everyone who RSVPs. So RSVP for the meetups you'd like to attend! Even if you know you can't make it.

The Fulbright Honors

Peer Mentor Program

is dedicated to easing students into college and helping them succeed in the honors program. We help first-year honors students discover new information, plan for their future, and make lasting connections on campus.

Learn More

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