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The White House | A Proclamation of Arab American Heritage Month, 2023 by Joseph R. Biden

"The Arab American story is the American story — one of diverse backgrounds and faiths, vibrant tradition, bold innovation, hard work, commitment to community, and stalwart patriotism, all coming together to accomplish something greater than any one of us...." Read the full statement

Message from the CDO

Natalie Holder

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of representing SLAC at the Atlanta University Center Consortium’s Dual Engineering Degree program’s scholarship award ceremony. Did you know that SLAC has been awarding these career-changing awards for over 20 years? I even had the opportunity to meet an award recipient from the class of 2003 who is now a senior engineer for a leading wireless technology corporation. We are looking at ways to invite our award recipients to SLAC for tours and to participate in our summer programs, like SAGE and the CORE Science Institute (CSI), as mentors and advisors. We have so much to offer in the way of employee engagement and connectedness - ERG-sponsored activities like SLAC Reads, the Women@SLAC Mentorship Program, LGBTQ+ Pride, as well as the MSI Colloquia, industry conferences, Juneteenth, and the launch of our DEI+ Employee Resource Center (coming soon). If I am able to arrange visits for this year’s award recipients, will you join me in showing them the best of SLAC and the Bay Area?

Feel free to email me at [email protected] with your ideas.


RISE ERG | Lunch-n-Learn with Stephen Streiffer

Apr. 27, 12-1pm | 053-3005 Havasu Conference Room

Join the RISE employee resource group for lunch with Interim Lab Director Stephen Streiffer and mingle with fellow early-career employees. You'll hear from Stephen, hang out with the early-career community, and have plenty of time to ask your questions. Lunch will be provided. Learn more.

Mentorship Program Information Session

Apr. 27, 2-2:45pm | Virtual

Attend this 30-minute event to learn more about the 2023 SLAC Mentorship Program, open to everyone at the lab seeking career development pathways and expert advise, as well as those wishing to share their knowledge and expertise with others. Learn more.

52nd Annual Stanford Powwow: Intertribal Unity

May 12-14 | Lasuen Grove

The Powwow brings Native American dancers, singers and artists from all over the United States and Canada to the Stanford campus—and with it, a rare opportunity for Native and non-Natives to experience a wide variety of indigenous cultures. Learn more.

SLAC Reads

SLAC Reads is a book club driven by our ERGs and is open to everyone at the lab. Each ERG selects a book and leads a discussion that provides insight into the unique experiences that have impacted the people who make up our lab community. The DEI+ Office provides a number of free copies (hard copies, audio books and e-books) to employees interested in participating. Join the #slac-reads-book-club Slack channel to learn more.

Dare to Lead

by Brené Brown

Join the RISE ERG on May 3rd from 11:30am - 1pm for a discussion on "Dare to Lead," by Brené Brown. The conversation will be facilitated by Zoe Dunning, LGBTQ+ activist and author. Learn more and RSVP.


Opportunity to connect with Latinx scientists | 2023 National Diversity in STEM Conference (NDiSTEM)

What happens when Chicano, Hispanic, and Native scientists are not in the room? The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Natives in Science's (SACNAS) annual conference exists to provide a space for members to seek out, strengthen, and celebrate community. Submit your STEM Symposia proposal to highlight your achievements and discoveries as a scientist. Learn more..


Stanford News

Religious observances in Stanford's multi-faith community

Read full article


SLAC participates in the National Society of Black Engineers' 49th Convention

Read more 'In the Loop"


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