St. Francis
Retreat Center
November Offerings
"The spiritual life does not remove us from the world
but leads us deeper into it." Henri J.M. Nouwen
Online Retreats
Suggested donation is listed on retreat description;
Don't let financial hardship keep you from participating.
If you need a partial or full scholarship,
please email [email protected] to register.
November 6-7, 2020
Henri Nouwen, God, and You:
Deepening Your
Personal Spiritual Life

An online retreat
with Westina Matthews
suggested donation $75

Henri Nouwen—beloved and gifted author, priest, and internationally recognized spiritual master, counselor, and guide—offered gentle wisdom
for universal questions of the spiritual life.
We will explore these questions through prayer, journaling, quiet reflection, and interactive sharing. 

Westina Matthews, Ph.D. is an author, a public speaker, retreat leader, and theologian. An adjunct professor The General Theological Seminary in the Center for Christian Spirituality where she teaches contemplative spiritual direction, Westina has found a way to connect with others through a series of books, essays, reflections, lectures, preaching, and her teaching. A graduate of the spiritual guidance program at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, her practice reflects contemplative living through “holy listening.”

God’s First Language
is Silence
An Online Retreat
with Fr. Carl Arico

November 10-12
10:00 am-Noon ET
suggested donation: $60

Fr. Carl J. Arico is a founding member of Contemplative Outreach, and honored to have known Fr. Keating since 1969. He was present for the first intensive Centering Prayer retreat that Fr. Keating offered in 1983. Fr. Arico has been an integral part of the evolution of Contemplative Outreach from a wish to the organism it is today. “The growth that has taken place in Contemplative Outreach,” he observes, “is a miracle of God’s grace and the power of prayer.” He has traveled extensively in the United States and internationally to present workshops and lead retreats. He is the author of A Taste Of Silence on the fundamentals of Centering Prayer, and is well known within the Contemplative Outreach community for the Q&A with Fr. Carl Arico that is featured the monthly Contemplative Outreach e-bulletins. A number of his talks are freely available on the CO website as audio recordings and more will be added. Other talks on video can be found on YouTube by searching for him by name.

The Spirituality
of the Hymns of Advent

Online Lecture
With Father Harry Hagan

November 30, 2020

suggested donation $20

Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB is a monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey. He did a doctorate in Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and teaches Old Testament at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. He has published more than forty hymns along with two books of hymns: Eternal Glory of the Skies and Baptized in Christ.

St. Columba's Inverness is offering:
Opening to the Source

An online 3-Day retreat
with The Rev. John Michael Hayes, Ph.D., ABPP, Priest-Psychologist-Psychoanalyst

Friday, November 20
through Sunday, November 22, 2020