Meredith Public Library Summer eNews
Summer Reading Begins
Welcome summer, and boy, has it been busy at the library! We are so happy to see people returning and have planned dozens of events for all ages. You may have noticed we've moved to a quarterly newsletter in print. We will continue to update you monthly online of our upcoming events and have a monthly calendar with events on one side and new items on the other available at the desk.
Summer Reading sign up began on June 29 for all ages. When children under age 10 register they will receive a reading log and will be reading to earn bottle caps to spend in the Friendship Hut. Choose from many exciting prizes! Young Adults ages 10-18 can pick up a Bingo card and a goodie bag when they register. Fill in a Bingo for a prize and for a chance to win the weekly raffle. Do the Bingo Bonus and double your chances of winning! Adults earn raffle tickets each time they check something out from the library or attend a library program. Enter your raffle tickets for a weekly themed basket.
Thank you to our Gold Sponsors Heart and Hands Thrift Shop, Giuseppe’s Pizzeria and Ristorante, The Fitness Edge and Overhead Door Options, to our Silver Sponsors Meredith Village Savings Bank and Ippolito’s Furniture, and to our Bronze Sponsors Interlakes Animal Hospital, Moulton Farms, Bootleggers and Meredith Station for making our Summer Reading possible! As always, thank you to the Friends of the Meredith Library for their continuing support.
Free copies of Backyard Starship signed by Terry Maggert are available while supplies last at the Circulation Desk. Copies will be for sale at Innisfree Bookshop.
Free copies of Boston Homicide signed by the author and A Deadly Fortune with a signed book plate will be available at the Main Desk while supplies last.
The Friends Bookshop (located in the
Library Basement)
Find great deals on gently used books, DVD and Books on CD for all ages. Funds help support library events and materials.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday —Closed
Wednesday: 9-4
Friday: 9-2
Saturday: 9-1:30
Mystery Book Group
The Maid by Nita Prose. Thursday, July 13, 10:30AM. A Clue-like, locked-room mystery and a heartwarming journey of the spirit, The Maid explores what it means to be the same as everyone else and yet entirely different—and reveals that all mysteries can be solved through connection to the human heart.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Group
Backyard Starship by Chaney and Maggert. Tuesday, July 25 @ 6:30PM @Library and meet author Terry Maggert via Zoom. A young man inherits more than his grandfather's old house and barn.
Brown Bag Book Group
News of the World by Paulette Jiles. Thursday, July 27 at noon. Solitary Jefferson Kidd must return an orphan to her family.
We want your scrap wood. Must be no larger than 18" x 20" to fit into our machine and can be no thicker than 1/2". Please call and ask for Chris for more details.
Computer Club
Tuesdays @ 10AM July 11, August 8 and September 12
Senior Center Tech Help
Meets Fridays at 9AM. July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25, September 8 & 22 at the Community Center.
Tech Help. Call 603-279-4303 for an appointment with Chris or Matthew. Don't struggle with your new cell phone, laptop or tablet alone.
All Together Now! Music & Story With Miss Amy & Miss Karen
Wed. Mornings from 10 to 11
July 5, 12, 19, 26 & Aug. 2 & 9
Join us in the function room for music and movement with Miss Amy Weston. Also enjoy a story and snacks.
Practice Yoga & Enjoy a Story!
Fri. July 7, 14, & 21 From 10 to 11
Join Miss Anne Barach for a “FUN” yoga class! Listen to a story with Miss Karen. We will meet in the function room. All ages are welcomed. Snacks served. Please bring a beach towel to use as your yoga mat. One week we will have a special guest! You will meet author Ann Biese. She has written several books and teaches yoga principles.
The Sweetbloods
Friday, July 28 from 10 to 11
Come listen to Phil & Janet Sanguedolce as they play their guitars and sing for you! This program is geared to children but everyone is welcomed!
Wildlife Encounters
Tuesday, July 11 from 1:00 to 2:00
Join us at the Meredith Community Center and enjoy the wonderful array of animals that they bring. Free to you! All ages are welcomed.
Tot Time Reading Circle
Fridays 10-11AM
August 11 & 25 Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
\Join us in the children’s room for stories, puppet friends and beautiful artwork created by you. This is a fun, warm, friendly group of parents and children, come read and play. Ages 0 to 3, older children are welcome. Snacks served & coffee for grown ups. No sign up required.
Treasure Box Saturday
July 15 from 10 to 1
Visit the children’s room today and make a Treasure Box! Invite a friend and have a play date. All ages are welcomed.
Snacks Served.
Movies, TV Shows, Music, Comics, Audio books, eBooks and eMagazines via Hoopla!
Audio books, eBooks, eMagazines from the State Library Collection via Libby. Also access Indieflix.
Home Delivery from Altrusa
The library partners with the Altrusa Club to provide Home Delivery service to home bound library patrons. Contact to set up the service. Items are picked up and delivered every two weeks by the Altrusa Club.
Museum Passes
Did you know you the library subscribes to a number of discounted and free passes to NH museums thanks to the Friends of the Library? Browse our list and call us at 603-279-4303 to reserve one in advance.
Erin M. Apostolos
Library Director