Volume 9, Issue 5 | May 2020
Things were going swimmingly… We had doubled the number on our technical writing team, and were working wonderfully together, collaborating with one another, and, additionally, providing continuous improvement to the dearth of the project’s best practices. There was talk about the positions going permanent for all of us. We were researching acquiring authoring software, the cost of which the project manager told us not to worry about, as he’d often said about money throughout my 8 months’ tenure on the project.
And then, BAM! Two of us were given notice that our 12-month contract-to-hire would be over in two days’ time, the result of “budget constraints.” I was one of the casualties. How strange in so many ways… How quickly life changes--and often, not within our control. A blessing? Maybe no, maybe yes.
Exactly 10 days later, I had a job interview and was made an offer that same day! June 1 I start a new 12-month contract with another organization at a considerably higher hourly wage, and this time it is officially remote (and not due to COVID-19 either). A blessing, yes! One never knows what Life will bring, especially in these rapidly-changing times of COVID-19. Along with 40 million Americans, I have experienced unemployment; and, in record time, I landed the best work contract ever in my long career! Spirit had a plan!
I must say that while I went through being in between jobs, I did so peacefully. Perhaps it's due to getting older and wiser. Perhaps I’m just getting used to the corporate system. Perhaps it's just getting used to this way of life as a gig worker (contract to unemployment to contract, saving money, then spending down between contracts, and even going into debt until the next contract). Perhaps it’s because I’m learning to accept Life on Life’s terms. Perhaps I’m truly getting that Spirit has a plan, and that I am always taken care of--rest assured I certainly would not have expected to be heading into a job in the midst of this pandemic and record unemployment crisis so quickly (and easily too) and earning a lot more money to boot!
Whatever the true reasons of man and Spirit for this change, I am so grateful. As a result, I can more easily continue my journey towards manifesting greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and thereby be of greater service.
Maybe my year-long plan to go whitewater rafting again on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon in late August happens--or not. Maybe this year I will meet my life companion—or not. Maybe this new work contract will actually last the full 12 months—or not. In any case, Life will continue rolling along for me, for us all, offering opportunities to respond at a higher vibration—or not; it’s an individual choice.
May we roll along merrily, peacefully, and acting compassionately toward our self and others.
Inspiration and Contemplation
As I Awaken Today in Love
By Janine Miller-DeLany
May I remember what I am.
For I am Spirit.
May I remember where I am.
For I am in the mind of God.
May I allow myself to awaken
In this natural state.
For in my natural state,
There is no effort at all.
And so I arrive in grace
Each moment,
Now and in the next,
Simply as I am;
Completely whole, safe, and Love Itself.
May I allow the ego-mind to remain
Resting on my bed stand.
For I choose to value nothing of myself today
But the love that I am.
May I breathe easy, my body relaxed,
And each cell awaken
To the joy and peace of arriving
In grace
Each moment of
This day.
The Spirit Is...
"The Spirit is happy, whole, free, filled with joy, eternal in Its existence… All your highest hopes and dreams have come from It. The echo of Its being is in your intellect, the voice of Its unspoken word is in your mind, the feeling of Its light and life is in your heart, the emotion of Its imagination is in your soul."
"This Thing Called You" (1948)
People Making a Difference
German Church Opened Its Doors to Muslim Worshipers
While I am not a proponent of organized religion, my heart is always warmed by the thoughtful and caring gestures and help offered by people to others.
When Germany allowed religious services to resume earlier this month, a church in Berlin opened its doors for Friday prayers at the end of Ramadan to Muslim worshipers unable to fit into their mosque due to COVID-19 social distancing rules.
As you move into summer with warm temperatures and what would normally naturally be engaging in more outdoor activities, may you practice safety, kindness, and consideration, as each of us strives to navigate through these unprecedented (in more ways than one) times.
And, may we each realize in our own way, Spirit is with us and we are not alone rolling through Life.
Blessings and cyber hugs,
Joyce S. Kaye
e-newsletter designed, developed, written, and published by Joyce S. Kaye
You, Me, and Spirit
I was a devout atheist until 30 years ago when I "came to believe" in a Power greater than myself. Thanks to hearing the novel idea (well, at least it was to me!) that one could choose their own concept of God--and name too (Spirit, The Great Mystery, All That Is, etc.)--and the workings of synchronicity, I embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. It impacted all aspects of my life and relationships.
Since that time of commencing my conscious spiritual journey, I have endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom I meet, and all that I do -- including working with clients in my own business and in the corporate world. I strive to be of service and to nurture the human spirit in all environments.