Congratulations to those of you who joined in the peaceful, proactive marches throughout the United States. I spoke to several who attended and asked 3 questions:
1. Did the group you participate in feel coherent and mutually supportive?
2. Was there any time spent bashing Trump and his ideas?
3 . Did the participants stay focused on a positive vision of what you all want to create together; supporting each other in proactive ways?
All but one reported; “Yes”, “No” and “Yes” … Way to go!
February 18, 2017
Quickly Transforming Anxiety, Depression, Anger or Fear
The Forgotten Key to Manifesting
Why is a Non-Polarized Group so Important?
You are multidimensional creators who have had amnesia; not remembering who you really are and how powerful you are as a creator. Cosmic Law states:
What you focus on expands!
This is not just some New Age axiom. This is how creation happens and, what creators like you and me were initially designed to never forget. Hold your focus and attention on what you want to create more often, rather than what is appearing in front of you that you don’t like.
Whatever the majority of your focus is on WILL most likely become your physical reality. Sue, a client, laughingly told me:
I don’t want to let anything get in my way, including reality.
In order for you to create anything; you must first think about it. As you focus more on it; greater clarity about your vision or idea creates a stronger signal or frequency in the ‘hologram’ you exist in. When you keep that positive intent strong, not diffused; your ‘Higher Self’ receives that laser-like signal more clearly as your decided free-will intent. Out of all the possible parallel options available to your multidimensional Higher Self; IT operates as ONE with YOU - in coherence; to manifest your desired focus into your reality.
How fun is that?
So ... What's the Forgotten Key?
If all possibilities literally exist already in the forever now, then why can’t we see them or experience them? The answer is -- the Law of Vibration.
Everything vibrates at a particular rate of frequency; every emotion, every thought, every dis-ease, etc. Therefore, the only thing that separates you as a creator from stepping into the reality of your desired intent is that the rate of your vibrational frequency is not matched or coherent to your desired reality’s frequency. You can only experience what you are in resonance with and what your beliefs and thoughts think/feel are possible. As a creator, you must match the vibrational frequency of that which you wish to create or attract to you.
Frequency-wise, like attracts like. That frequency IS what attracts or magnetizes a different desired reality into your earth experience hologram. So, if you wish to attract different experiences, you must be willing to shift to a different rate of vibration; much the same as clicking the TV remote to switch to a different channel. You can learn to shift very fast. It’s only a breath away.
Here are two short examples of coherent groups that literally changed reality! Go to Super Soul Abilities, scroll down to red text that begins with, What's the #1 Most Frequently Asked Universal Question?
You can't perceive what you are not a vibration of. ~ Bashar
You do this by changing your habitual thoughts. Get rid of the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. These are not words within Source language. One has preferences yes - yet judgments are rarely helpful. Ask yourself instead; does this thought I am thinking or action I am taking now make me feel more excited and lighter, or does this thought or action now make me feel flat and heavier?
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency, and vibration. ~ Nikola Tesla
Subscribers have mentioned that they feel their world has become topsy-turvy; like this little cub here to the left. Well, like many of our movies, humans love to freak themselves out. Realize that subconscious cellular memories from many lifetimes often become triggered when certain events take place, or when a "leader" acts or speaks in a certain manner that you perceive threatens your safety (or ego). Practice fluidly shifting habits of doubt, fear, and anxiety.
If those thoughts come up, just immediately say, “Cancel, Cancel, Cancel”, while simultaneously visualizing those thought-forms of fear or doubt blowing up - in a poof of light.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Victor Frankl, holocaust survivor
Effective Tool to Quickly Shift You!
Byron Katie guides two terrified women using her 4-Inquiry method. Within 30 minutes of doing The Work; they both are transformed from ‘Trump Frightens Me” to a peaceful and even laughing presence!
For more details, go to Super Soul Solutions page. Scroll down to purple text; The Work – Who would you be without your story? Byron Katie’s website:
The Work.
All things vibrate at their own frequencies. When you understand this,
you will significantly broaden your understanding of the universe.
Dr. Masaru Emoto
Process > Integrate = Lighter Frequency
Why is this important? This is the Reset Time for Humanity! Fears and disempowered thoughts tend to contain a lot of ‘juice’ in them, which immediately lowers your frequency. This means you and your body will have difficulty keeping pace with Source and Mother Earth’s intent to wake up humanity. If your frequencies are lower, you may tend to get sick and your nervous system and electrical beingness may short-out. The good news is - you can quickly shift into the more positive frequency
if you stay aware.
Each moment is
creation. This is creator-work or creator-play. If you wish to move out of programmed paradigms of victim-perpetrator; it is absolutely necessary to take responsibility for your habitual fear thoughts (and actions), period. This is how physical manifestation happens for all creators; no matter what dimension or world they exist on. This is what is being asked of us all now.
We can do this!
Another "lightening" tool is Laughter Yoga.
Go here to see me teaching it and learn about the 16 medical benefits of Laughter Yoga.
It's hard to feel frozen in fear when you are jiggling in laughter.
I love that there is humor happening with all that we are going through:
SHOUT-OUT #3: What 2016 Was About & What We Are Releasing
SHOUT-OUT #4: What 2017 Is About: Reset Year of Transparency, Truth Disclosure & Consciousness Renaissance
SHOUT-OUT #5: How To Flourish, Not Merely Survive In 2017