All creation comes out of the womb of spaciousness.
Let go or be dragged ~ Zen proverb
Do any of these points resonate with you for 2016 moving into 2017?
- Becoming clearer about what is important for you
- Going inside to discover what you're really passionate about and what matters to you
- Feeling the need for doing inner integrative work; to let go of the past so you don’t keep re-creating the same stories and thoughts in 2017
is almost always kinder than the story we tell ourselves about it.
Byron Katie
March 7, 2017
What 2016 Was About
What We Are Releasing
- Beginning to see behind the veils and ‘games’ that your mind has not allowed you to perceive or conceive of previously; due to naiveté and limited programmed beliefs and education.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
~ Einstein
- Feeling bombarded by polarized exaggerated viewpoints from media and elsewhere. Remember that wisdom is about being aware of your habitual default mechanisms, and learning not to react to them. You are NOT your thoughts or feelings. The polarized right/left brain tends to feel smart and in control if it can define into black/white or good/bad categories.
SUGGESTION: Playfully practice visualizing that you exist multi-dimensionally.
What would that look like and how would it feel? For example, would your latent gifts and talents, such as intuition and faster healing, become more easily accessible for you? Let go of black and white for now, and embrace being comfortable with many shades of grey and an endless palette of amazing colors to brush-stroke your life with.
Practice becoming less limited in your beliefs and thoughts. Challenge yourself to expand the edges of the box you have put yourself in, and limitations you project onto others as well.
- Feeling an urge to simplify and let go of whatever is no longer needed in your life, in all ways; so you can LIGHTEN yourself up mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. A fair number of people I know are feeling strongly impulsed to clean out that garage, storage unit, or closet. Are you?
ORGANIZATIONAL HINT: Start with making all the clothes hanger hooks in your closet face away from you. For the next 6 months (through two seasons); every time you wear something in your closet, turn the hanger around so the hook is facing toward you. In 6 months, you will then visually know how many items you actually wear. Take those items you do not wear to consignment or donate them. Let go of emotional or mental commentary about these things-attachments to the clothes (or anything else you have stored). For those that have children; realize they generally want little if anything, of your “stuff”. Look around your environment. Is it clean and organized? Be inspired by each and every painting or thing you see. Remember 2016 into 2017 is about LETTING GO OF THE PAST IN ALL WAYS and CREATING GREATER SPACE FOR NEW BEGINNINGS.
Please Note:
We are almost at the powerful March 21st Spring Equinox which marks a pivotal timeline decision as to where you choose to be vibrating along the continuum from 3rd to 5th Dimension.
Spring clean your environment and yourself. Remember that lightening up your environment helps lighten up the world, as well as your personal frequencies.
This is very important to maintain Now through 2017.
- Feeling the need to step more forward to help steward the earth and have more connection with nature and it’s beauty. Balancing out in nature is imperative for your body and energetic health. Remember, nature is the way Source clothes Itself to you.
Go to www.earthing.com to discover the 6 body health parameters that are improved quickly by Earthing.
- Having a deeper desire for personal sovereignty which continues even more strongly in 2017.
- Finding old friendships and partnerships shifting away due to non-reciprocity and non-compatible vibrational 'resonance' with them. Allow, and let go. (No one really separates because we are all One.)
- Finding a greater need to practice forgiveness in yourself and others.
For MOTIVATION: Watch the extraordinary example of Forgiveness here.
On my website, Super Soul Solutions, you'll find "The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing" as you scroll down. These are specifically geared to forgiveness and healing.
How many points did you resonate with?
What the Dalai Lama describes below is no longer an acceptable way
living for most of us. The old is coming down and we rebuild anew.
is a powerful way to ensure this reset process for 2017 continues.
The Paradox of Our Age
We have bigger houses, but more things — More conveniences, but less time
We have more degrees, but less sense — More knowledge, but less discernment
More experts, but more problems — More medicines, but less healthiness
We built more computers to hold more information,
but have less communication
We have become long on quantity, but short on quality
These are times of
, but slow digestion
Taller people, but short character ~ Steep profits, but shallow relationships
It’s a time where there is much in the window,
but nothing of relevance in the room. ~ Dalai Lama
As co-creators, I invite you to join
with me and those in our community,
to support one another in making the
changes we know we are each capable of.
— One Two-Step At A Time —
SHOUT-OUT #4: What 2017 Is About: Reset Year of Transparency, Truth Disclosures & A Consciousness Renaissance
SHOUT-OUT #5: How To Flourish, Not Merely Survive In 2017
SHOUT-OUT #6: Propagating the Six Heart Virtues
SHOUT-OUT #7: Learn to Release Pain Quickly