What 2017 Is About: Reset Year of Transparency,
Truth Disclosures & A Consciousness Renaissance
I just returned from the UK where I personally interviewed the indomitable and brilliant technology inventor Winston Keech, who has spent the last 25 years designing, building, and now offering a Fair Exchange mobile app for humanity.
This will ensure our ability to remain free and functioning by being able to easily exchange and obtain anything we will need to live and prosper.
During this time of reset and transition, the old dysfunctional and bankrupt systems will likely continue to be stressed and fall apart.
The new, more fair and progressive systems are emerging built on the
NEW paradigm of Honor, Compassion, Cooperation, and Equality for All.
(Please note that higher civilizations regard a planet like Earth who utilizes the ancient Babylonian/Sumerian usury money system, as an ‘enslaved’ planet.)
Few benefit from the labor of the masses that are overworked,
in debt, unhealthy, and in constant stress.
This is no longer acceptable!
We, The People, must change this and commit to change this now - together.
You have asked me,
“How can I contribute more to the people and planet?”
When you click link, new window will open.
If the play button doesn’t work,
press on download link to give you iTunes or Dropbox options.
This simple, yet profound interview about the easy-to-use
Fair-X E-MultiTrade app will answer many of your pertinent questions
April 19, 2017
What 2017 Is About:
Reset Year of Transparency, Truth Disclosures & A Consciousness Renaissance
An Innovative Solution for our Economic Stress
Introducing Fair-X
Fair-X is an alternative exchange and universal multi-payment system which allows people to trade within existing banking structures and make direct alternative trades and direct person-to-person business payments. Winston Keech’s expert background and groundbreaking solution in the form of a mobile app, allow all of us worldwide, to have an additional alternative to the present day usury money system (which is largely bankrupt). This secured app also allows for a readily accessible and flexible payment system.
Win is a visionary, global expert, aviator, engineer, and technology innovator who has spent the last twenty-five years inventing Fair-X because he knew it would be needed for us in 2017 and onward. His stellar background includes inventing some of the best authentication technologies in the world, as well as the volatile pen. This expertise allows him to bring security and flexibility at literally zero cost to us. It is especially useful as extra support for individuals and small businesses.
We started a crowdfunding, aiming for $700,000, which will ensure the successful roll-out of this exciting, user-friendly Fair-X app.
As a co-creator with all of you, I am asking each of us to do two things: 1) Pledge a minimum donation of $10.00 and, 2) Share this opportunity by blasting this email out to everyone we know. You are invited to forward this Shout-Out or, whatever part you care to, as long as you include the UK interview with Win Keech that I did; so we all have the information we need to understand this offering.
Instead of complaining, let’s be proactive together! By taking these two simple, constructive steps, this Fair-X system will be supported and you will know that you have directly contributed to two high-hearted goals; ending poverty worldwide and providing greater freedom for all.
ACTION STEP: Click here to go to Winston Keech's crowdfun-ding PayPal link NOW and donate. (This link will only be used for Fair-X.)
To learn more from Win about Fair-X and the FASCINATING history and energetics of money, economic cycles, and crashes; refer to two more interview links at the end of this Shout Out.
What To Expect In 2017 & 2018
Dramatic Shifts and Positive Transformative Changes
- December 26, 2016 is when the Light was switched back on — connecting humanity straight to Source. For everyone the Future begins NOW!
- 2017 is about catalyzing and creating greater freedom for a higher purpose, with a big focus on greater connectivity with others and community building
- Being more ‘tuned in’ = your brain will become more clearly tuned into the Source Field of information; allowing new solutions and inventions to arise. (We actually use 85% of our brain, not 10-15%. That 70% is mostly used for metaphysical abilities, which will become more readily accessible.)
- We will feel a stronger connection to our Higher Self and the "Field" Source. Remember, this huge 'Field" is around each of us and is always flowing our intentions to us.
- Hidden science, technologies and inventions will come forward to free humanity up; medical regeneration and cures, age rejuvenation science, food replicators, astronomy discoveries, and sustainable environmental technologies. (Visit New Science Breakthroughs here and watch out for Shout Out #6.)
And there’s more…
- More people stepping forward in coordinated actions and collective uprisings. Apathy and lack of awareness begin to dissolve.
- Collective awakening causes large groups of people to say to the old, greedy control systems; “No More, Enough!”
- Expect huge societal transformations
- A more expansive field of Unity Consciousness will exist between 2016-2023
- More and more Truth Disclosures come forth; hinting at long-time galactic involvement with ‘others’ and, a reshaping of our true human history.
- We are learning to surf chaos more artfully, trusting there is order (Source) behind it. The necessity to break down old dysfunctional systems will support the arising of Truth; as Creation creates profound changes; showing us fresh new ways of living and being. (Hand of God photo below.)
- Humanity’s view of reality will become a much more expansive paradigm/worldview. No area of life will remain the same.
- We will continue to shatter old limitations and self-limiting beliefs
- Enjoy a more fluid sense of malleable time and contemplate ‘timelines’ which allow us to be able to choose and manifest more easily
- Head, Heart, and Soul are integrated more holistically and effortlessly
- A focus on personal sovereignty and not giving away one’s power; while simultaneously focusing on what is for the greater good of all
- More fearless people become available that can help stabilize and assist others through these shifts
- Embracing greater curiosity and openness towards different wisdoms and truths; less hiding, invisibility, excuses, or fear of ostracism
- We will continue our advancement in activating our ten “etheric DNA strands” which will allow more of our Source-given abilities that have been dormant to be used; such as telepathy, remote viewing, and instantaneous healing.
- Our true nature awakens to the willingness to prioritize Love as an imperative; as people refuse to act with violence or harm
- Less fear allows us to collectively create a higher reality construct, trust in the future; gaining evolutionary growth and learning Earth Game Mastery
2017 begins an 8-yr. heart-focused cycle - watch for Shout Out # 6: Propagating the 6 Heart Virtues
Donate to Fair-X to help us all soar!
SHOUT-OUT #5: How To Flourish, Not Merely Survive In 2017
SHOUT-OUT #6: Propagating the Six Heart Virtues
SHOUT-OUT #7: Learn to Release Pain Quickly