
On behalf of Plan to Protect

we want to wish you

Happy Holidays and a

Happy New Year!

Dear Melodie,

We have just completed our 15th year. As you may be aware Plan to Protect® the company was incorporated in 2007 under the name Winning Kids Inc.  We started the company with a desire to be a social enterprise, committed to providing the HIGHEST STANDARD of abuse prevention and protection to organizations serving the vulnerable sector. During these years we have continued to collect best practices and promote safe programming and activities.

Today our clients are primarily not-for-profit charities and faith-based organizations. We continue to price our services with these clients in mind and with a desire to honour and provide a competitive wage to our ten team members. For this reason, for the first time in many years, our prices will 

increase slightly in 2022. If you wish to take advantage of our 2021 prices before the increase, please contact our office during the month of December. 

As a business committed to a social cause of preventing abuse and of the protection of children, youth, and vulnerable adults, we invest any profits earned each year back into the company to further develop new services for our clients. Our revenue sources are primarily through the sale of our resources, memberships, consulting, and training.

This past year we had the opportunity to spend our energies in the research and development of policies and training to combat sexual harassment and abuse where there are power differentials. This material will be incorporated into our resources, policies, and training in the new year.

It has been a joy for us to serve you this past year. May we be instrumental in protecting the vulnerable in our communities.

On behalf of our team at Plan to Protect, we hope you have a happy holiday 

with your family and friends. We hope to continue to earn your business in 2022.


Melodie Bissell, D.Min.