Living in the Spirit and Gratitude and Giving Thanks for Construction
As this year ends and as the new year begins, NABWIC is giving thanks. We are giving thanks to all of our partners, new and veteran members. We want to thank you for being such valued partners and members and allowing us to share with you throughout the year through advocacy, networking, partnerships and contracting opportunities. 

2021 was the year of Infrastructure for us and we celebrated the Construction Industry through our NABWIC Annual Meeting, Congressional Black Caucus Reception, Annual Legislative Conference, HardHats and Heels Socials, and NABWIC Billion Dollar Luncheons in Ports, Community Development (CRA), Aviation, Transit, and Water! 

We also want to thank the construction industry and the opportunities she creates for so many, so near and so far. We slow down to give thanks. She creates opportunities for the big shots, the little shots and those who just want a shot at an honest living and to provide for their families and for their futures. 

Just think: where else is there such a low barrier of entry into a lifetime career? Just think: where else can you find a trade without a college degree and make a six-figure income as an expert? Just think: where else can you build a business with just a dream, hard work, self-discipline and be truly judged on the quality of your work as tradesmen and tradeswomen alone, and truly become a self-made man person not based on the color of your skin but truly on the content of your character?

When you look at your construction business, profession, job, craft, career as having no limitations except those you place on yourself, give thanks.

In the spirit of giving thanks for construction NABWIC is thanking all of you for your continued commitment to build. We have been able to create and facilitate opportunities in different sectors of the construction industry to advance our members' businesses through our events and community involvement. We have also been able to make an impact as The Voice of Black Women in the Construction Industry, we build lives and businesses and we give thanks for that.