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Weekly Newsletter / December 21, 2023

Harris Says Christians Can Support Killing Babies In Abortions

(LifeNews) After announcing yesterday that she is launching yet another national tour to celebrate abortion, Kamala Harris did an interview with MSNBC where she falsely claimed that Christians can support killing babies in abortions.

Almost 1 million babies are killed in abortions every year, so you’d think that would be enough for Harris, but, no, she will be criss-crossing the country celebrating abortion once again.

Harris joined MSNBC’s “Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” on Tuesday for an interview about her Abortion Celebration Tour.


School Board Chairman Sworn In On Stack Of Graphic LGBT Books

(LifeSite) A Virginia school board member attracted the headlines he was undoubtedly seeking after he was sworn in by placing his hand not on the Bible but on a stack of sexually explicit LGBT books frequently condemned by conservatives concerned about protecting children’s innocence.

Democrat Karl Frisch participated in the swearing-in ceremony on Wednesday for the Fairfax County, Virginia school board by using five books that contain offensive and sometimes extremely graphic sexual depictions including “Gender Queer,” “Flamer,” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue."


Harvard Fails

Another Test

(World) Harvard College was founded in 1636, making it the oldest institution of higher education in the United States. The school’s original purpose was to educate pastors who would serve Congregationalist churches in New England. Harvard long ago abandoned its Christian roots, helping blaze the well-worn path of secularization in American higher education that has been documented by scholars such as George Marsden and James Burtchaell.


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