OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6:00pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
Please note we will be closed all day on Christmas.
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 12-24-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 Merry Christmas From All of Us at Sea Hag Marina!
Jesus is our greatest gift of all!
May you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Karen Fletcher caught a near 27" gator trout this morning! She safely released it back to swim another day!
David & his crew slayed the trout, redfish, bluefish & flounder with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Capt. Brett Molzen is holding up a hefty trout!

Ooohhh what a delicious shrimp recipe! Click the link below to give it a try!

The Pittmans took a trip with Capt. Chase Norwood & Capt. Brett Molzen this week! They slayed the trout!
Addison Huling caught a lively redfish!
Capt. Brett Molzen, Capt. Chase Norwood & Capt. Mike Duttenhaver went fishing for fun the other day and caught a nice limit of trout, redfish & flounder!

The New seahag.comVISIT OUR WEBSITE! Click HERE!

Capt. Scott Peters caught a shining redfish this week!
Charlie Chatham and his crew had a blast reeling in fish after fish with Capt. Chase Norwood! Check out those trout, flounder, redfish & bluefish!
Vanessa Nguyen-Phu landed a massive gator trout the other day!
Karen Fletcher was on fire the other day! Check out this redfish she caught!
Addison Huling caught an inshore slam with her grandma Capt. Cindy Graham!
Capt. Mike Duttenhaver caught this guy trying to steal a 5" Zoom Super Fluke! He was busted and was sent straight to the cooler!

Power-Pole Pro Open Fishing Tournament is set for January 9th in Steinhatchee, FL!
Zach Griffis reeled in a gorgeous redfish on the flats!
Capt. Chase Norwood found the flounder the other day!
Tom and Griffen Baker from Phoenix, Arizona, took a trip with Capt. Mike Duttenhaver and caught an excellent board of redfish, sheepshead, bluefish & trout!
Gavin landed a stunning redfish with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Capt. Cindy Graham took her granddaughter, Addison Huling, fishing and they caught a nice board of trout, redfish & flounder!
Hannah Griffis caught her personal best redfish in a Steinhatchee creek!
Capt. Mike Duttenhaver is holding up a beautiful redfish he reeled in!
Our Sea Hag ladies enjoyed their Annual Secret Santa Party! Merry Christmas!
Capt. Scott Peters & Stephanie Moon landed a huge redfish!
Eric Graham, Matthew Harris & David Harris enjoyed a day reeling in trout, flounder & redfish with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Capt. Chase Norwood was all smiles for this trout he caught!
Capt. Brett Molzen is holding up a perfect redfish!
Fishing is great! Book your rental boat today for $199 plus tax and fuel.

Sea Hag was visited by the Boys & Girls Club Carolers! Such a sweet surprise!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2021 Tournament/Events List:
Getting ready to mail out flyer for all the tournaments. if you'd like to be added to our mailing list, please email your physical address to

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine accurate regulations for our area!