"... I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people." (Luke 2:10). The joy that was revealed by the angels to men working in the field was one of good news that would change the world. That same announcement is remembered by us this Christmas as we who have received Christ continue in the "fields" that we too live and work. How grateful we are for all we have in Christ and the 'gifts' we've experienced on this side of heaven.

Gathering Palm Beach County is a tool that God has used for the last 29 years. Men and their families, workplaces, and communities continue to be touched by this work started by men like Dr. John Tolson, Larry Krieder, Robert Schuemann, Ron Hilliard and several others. We continue today with County-wide Connection Groups, weekly Men's Lunches, Marketplace Bible Studies, semi-annual Outreach Breakfasts, 'New Dad' Boot Camps, Fathering Tools, and Relationship Enrichment Resources. You can even find a church, listen to bible teaching podcast, preview some reading recommendations, and watch an inspirational video on our website.