O, Come Let Us Adore Him

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,

the staff at Volunteers In Service extends to you and your loved ones the blessing of God's PEACE, the anchor of Christ's HOPE, the warmth of His unconditional LOVE, and the JOY found only in the manger!

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

Praising God for His Faithfulness!

"I appreciate all you do at Volunteers In Service. What you offer there is truly a blessing to those in need." - Jennifer, Cherry Health

"I have never felt so connected to a church before. The people from the church who come and serve mean so much to me. I want to be a shining light to others like the volunteers are being to me." - Tonette, VIS Friend

"Thank you for all you do at Volunteers In Service. When I have exhausted all other services in the community, I call VIS and hope they can connect my client to someone from a church who will love them and walk alongside them so they don't slip through the cracks!" - Case Worker, Senior Neighbors

Growing the Kingdom of God!

In 2024, with your support, over 386 community members were warmly embraced by the people of God, volunteers from churches who loved and served from hearts of gratitude for what God has given...His Son Jesus Christ!

With joy and thanksgiving, VIS announces a $20,000 matching gift for year-end donations. Join with us by considering a year-end financial gift. Your gift TODAY will be doubled! Your donation will help equip the church, the people of God, to witness Christ's love through their service and grow the Kingdom of God!

Thank you for mobilizing the church to serve!


Merry Christmas!

~from the staff at Volunteers In Service: Bernita, Cori, David, Debbie, Kezia, Melanie, Rachel, Rosemary, and Spencer

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