Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
There is nothing that gives us more joy than knowing the Lord came to earth to be a living sacrifice for His children.
This joy, a joy that only comes from God, is what drives us to serve the children of God. When we serve, we feel the joy of showing God's love to others. When others receive the resources we send, they feel a joy that only comes from the presence of the Lord.
It's a precious feeling, and a holy attitude to sing with joy as we serve and love one another, and praise our God together.
This Christmas season, we invite you to partner with Midwest Mission in giving the gifts of love, joy, peace, and hope to those around the world and around the corner.
$500 furnishes the gift of joy to orphanages in Caribbean and Latin American countries by providing Home Care Kits to assist them in making a clean and safe environment.
You can also give in someone else's name. Instead of a traditional present, give a monetary gift to Midwest Mission in their name, and present them with this downloadable gift tag to show them the gift of joy was made in their honor.
Whether you are giving monetarily, or through Christlike actions, together we are perpetuating the gift of joy that only comes from Christ here on earth.
May the beautiful gifts of hope, love, peace, and joy be blessings over you this Christmas and always.