Rapido Newsletter Vol. 161

©2022 Rapido Trains Inc.

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The Christmas tree in Chicago Union Station is dazzling! Photo courtesy of Jeff Lassahn.

Dear Rapido Customer,

Merry Christmas! If you're reading this on a random Tuesday, HAPPY TUESDAY! Did Santa bring you everything you wanted? If he hasn't, we just might! Four new announcements this time, so, without further ado, Rapido News 161...starts...right...NOW!

New Announcements!

  • NEW! HO Scale Dash 8-40CM - Upgraded Tooling!
  • NEW! HO Scale PA and PB Locomotives
  • NEW! HO Scale Executive E-units - IC and CN!
  • NRUN! N Scale Dash 8-40CM

January Order Deadlines - January 16th, 2023

  • HO Scale BART Trains - Early-Bird Discount!
  • HO Scale Canadian Piggyback Flatcar
  • HO Scale Canadian 26' Can-Car and 45' Trailmobile Trailers

February Order Deadlines - February 15th, 2023

  • HO Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam Car
  • HO Scale Union Pacific 40' ACR Boxcars
  • HO Scale GN 12-Panel 40' Boxcar
  • N Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam Car
  • N Scale CN/ONR Short and Long Barrel Ore Hopper

Second Section

  • Dealer Exclusive Models
  • Upcoming Shows
  • New Arrivals / Shipping Dates
  • Factory and Tooling Updates
  • Jason's 2022 Recap

NEW! HO Scale Dash 8-40CM - Upgraded Tooling!

From the first day we launched our scaled-back HO scale model of the CN/BCR Dash 8 locomotive back in 2017, you have been asking for a proper model with Rapido-level detail. It may have taken us a few years, but the message has finally got through. We are delighted to announce the HO Scale Dash 8-40CM!

That's right, it’s back! And with completely updated tooling! The original Dash 8 was a "budget" model with limited details, simulated class lights and - for the BC Rail fans - only one set of working ditch lights. Not this version - we've upgraded just about everything! In fact, check out this video by clicking here, the photo above or below. Then c'mon back, we have samples and more info to share with you.

In case you wanted to know... The Dash 8-40CM, or "Dash 8" for short, was introduced in 1990 with an order of 30 units for Canadian National (2400-2429), classified EF-640a. This was followed by a further 25 units (2430-2454) in 1992, classified EF-640b. BC Rail received 22 units (4601-4622) in 1990, followed by four more (4623-26) in 1993.

The BC units were transferred to CN following the de facto purchase of BC Rail in 2004. It was at this point many started to be released into general service by CN, letting railfans see BC Rail units in places not normally seen before. It wasn't all that uncommon to see a Dash 8 on an ethanol train into Florida.

The CN version on the left and the BC Rail on the right. Preproduction samples, subject to revision.

Note the rebuilt, split cooling radiator option - a new feature available with some models! Preproduction samples, subject to revision.

The Quebec North Shore and Labrador also purchased three Dash 8-40CMs in 1994 to supplement their fleet of GEs and MLW locomotives. We are also offering all three road numbers (401-403).

Everything has been redesigned with loads of new details! Preproduction samples, subject to revision.

Did someone say detailed traction motors? Also note the correct bell location that later CN Dash 8s received. Preproduction samples, subject to revision.

Ready to see some renders with artwork? It may not be the "real" HO Scale Dash 8-40CM, but it sure looks like it!

Almost real! These 3D renders look amazing.

BC Rail is still the best looking scheme to grace a cowled GE. (Ed: In your opinion...)

3D renders, subject to revisions.

We will also be offering the split-cooling radiators as a separate part, too! Now you can upgrade any Dash 8 Locomotive you own.

Isn't this rad?

The HO Scale Dash 8-40CM is packed with details. Here are the features:

  • Accurately scaled from prototype blueprints
  • Roadname-specific details including bell position, single or double rear headlights, with or without battery boxes behind cab, horns, CN or BCOL style ditch lights and more
  • An insane level of detail with air filters, many separate pipes and moulded traction motor cabling and air/control pipe runs
  • Optional split cooling radiator for CN versions. (Polybag Kit)
  • Heavy, die-cast chassis with a powerful motor and dual flywheels
  • Operational headlights and rear lights with operational factory-installed ditch lights (plus rock lights on BCOL locomotives)
  • Operational white class lights
  • Operational sidestep lights and track lights
  • Newly tooled accurate cab interior
  • Newly tooled fuel tank and trucks
  • Separate grab irons and handrails installed at the factory
  • DC/Silent (DCC Ready) or DC/DCC/Sound (ESU LokSound) with twin sugar cube speakers
  • Factory-installed couplers mounted at the correct height

Before we show the schemes, Otter Valley Railroad will be offering TWO special schemes on this run: The faded-out BC Rail versions, numbered 4604 and 4620. Note 4620's unique replacement number board and door!

That faded version is pretty nifty, eh? Here are the schemes we will be offering on our first run of HO Scale Dash 8-40CMs.

Check out the Dash 8-40CM catalogue below. Click the photo to open up the PDF.

We already have first samples of the HO Scale Dash 8-40CM Locomotives so we are happy to announce the order deadline: Monday, April 17th, 2023. Please mark your calendar and reserve your Dash 8 by then, either directly from us or from your favourite retailer.

NEW! HO Scale PA and PB Locomotives

Following up a successful first run, we're delighted to announce the second run of HO Scale PA and PB Locomotives! But how could we go bigger on this run? In addition to announcing seven new paint schemes, we're going one step further and producing that famously unique Santa Fe set, #51L-A-C. Click here or above to watch the video on these then let's dive into more details.

Check out the signature bump in the middle of the roof on them. This was added space for the EMD 576C prime mover. Photo courtesy of Bob Morris.

Does it get any better than this? Pacific Ocean, PAs and the San Diegan racing south. Photo courtesy and copyright of the PSRM, Don Decker collection.

Here are all three again, heading back n. Photo courtesy and copyright of the PSRM, Don Decker collection.

Possibly the most unique Alco PA and PB Locomotives in history were Santa F's three repowered locomotives, 51L-A-C. In 1954, an experiment was put into motion to repower two PA-1s and a single PB-1 with EMD 567C prime movers. The 567Cs were taller than the Alco 244s originally installed, so the locomotive bodies were modified with a hump in the roofline along with EMD-style fans and dual exhausts.

51L-A-C quickly became the most famous of Santa Fe's PA/PB locomotives, a status aided by the fact that they often pulled fan trips. No model train company has dared to bring out a model of 51L-A-C in plastic because these engines were just too weird. So they were an obvious choice for us!

Slowing for the station stop at New London, Connecticut, PA-1 0767 and a C-Liner are westbound with a Shore Line Express. Photo by David Hutchinson, courtesy of NHRHTA, Inc.

New Haven PA-1 0767 at East Haven, Connecticut in July 1957, Photo by T. J. McNamara, courtesy NHRHTA, Inc.

But we can't forget the other roads, too. New Haven returns again! This time in the ever popular McGinnis scheme as well as the classy orange scheme.

The classy orange scheme. Photo courtesy of the NHRTHA, Inc. collection.

Here are the second run HO Scale PA/PB Locomotive features. You can skip this bit if you already have a PA from our first run!

  • Correct nose and roof profiles 3D-scanned from the prototype
  • Loads of roadname-specific details
  • A units and A-B sets available
  • Dynamic or non-dynamic brake versions, where appropriate
  • Underbody piping and conduit
  • Separate grab irons and handrails installed at the factory
  • Etched-metal grilles, where appropriate
  • Lit number boards
  • Full cab interior
  • Operating Gyralite or red Mars light, where appropriate
  • Rapido’s proven drive system
  • DC/Silent (21-pin DCC Ready) or DC/DCC/Sound options

Below is an illustration of the schemes being offered on this second run.

Because the Santa Fe repowered PA units are just so unique, we have TWO sales catalogs. One for them and the regular PA and PB units. Click the photo on the left for the Santa Fe version and the photo on the right to open the regular PA and PB version. Both will open in PDF format.

Once we have some good looking samples for the new versions, we'll announce an order deadline for the HO Scale PA Locomotives. Until then, keep an eye on future newsletters for updates!

NEW! HO Scale Executive E-units - IC and CN

Why stop at just Conrail OCS E-units? After being inundated with requests, we are happy to announce the Illinois Central and Canadian National Executive E-units this month! Click here or the photo above to watch the new video introducing the executive E-units.

In the mid-1990s, Illinois Central acquired four ex-Metra/BN E9As for their executive train. These would be numbered 100 to 103, however only 100 and 101 received an attractive silver, white and black scheme with the "death star" logo. Teamed up with a handful of matching cars, this was arguably the most attractive executive train in North America!

It may not be the City of New Orleans scheme, but it sure was classy!

Photo courtesy of Dan Darnell.

When Canadian National acquired the IC, they eventually would sell off the 100 and 101, but kept 102 and 103. Both 102 and 03 initially received the traditional green and yellow heritage scheme, later being repainted into the current corporate colors of red, white and black with the CN noodle logo. Although the heritage green scheme was popular, the Executive E9As also look good in the current noodle scheme.

One classy looking E-unit! Photo courtesy of Craig Walker.

What makes Rapido's Executive E-units the amazing models? The details, of course! Let's check them out:

  • Correct HEP muffler and hatch
  • Modified pilots
  • Correct side grills
  • Blanked sides with appropriate grille work
  • Roof-mounted cooling coils
  • Non-skirted fuel tanks
  • Hyatt roller bearing journal covers
  • Heavy die-cast chassis
  • Smooth running drive system with all wheels powered
  • Accurate E8 sounds provided by ESU LokSound
  • Complete lighting effects – headlights, recessed ditch lights in nose, class lights, backup lights, ground lights, cab lights and more. (Not all lighting features will work in DC mode.)
  • Numerous road-specific detail parts in both plastic and etched metal.


Here are the schemes for the Executive E-units.

Check out the Executive E-unit catalog, made just for IC and CN! Click the photo below to open up the PDF.

Once we have samples of the HO Scale IC and CN Executive E-units, we'll announce an order deadline. Keep checking back in on future newsletters for us to unveil them. Until then, place those orders!

RE-RUN! N Scale Dash 8-40CM

The first run of N Scale Dash 8-40CM Locomotives was so successful, we just couldn't wait to offer them again!

Now, if you didn't read the HO part, here is a near identical summary of history:

The Dash 8-40CM, or "Dash 8" for short, was introduced back in 1990 with an order of 30 units for Canadian National (2400-2429), classified as the EF-640a. This was followed by 25 units (2430-2454) in 1992, classified EF-640b.

Also, don't forget to watch the new video on these. Click here or the photo above.

Three of a kind!

Even the rear is fully detailed!

The CN-specific details. It's one rugged looking locomotive.

BC Rail received 22 units (4601-4622) in 1990, followed by four more (4623-26) in 1993. The BC units were transferred to CN following the purchase of BC Rail in 2004. After that, many BC Rail Dash 8s could be seen all across North America.

The best looking Dash 8. Then again, I'm partial to BC Rail.

(Ed: Really? I hadn't noticed!)

A closer look at the details. Remember this is N Scale!

Have a look at these N Scale Dash 8-40CM features:

  • Accurately scaled from prototype blueprints
  • Roadname-specific details including bell position, single or double rear headlights, with or without battery boxes behind cab, horns, CN or BCOL style ditch lights and more
  • An insane level detail with air filters, many separate pipes and moulded traction motor cabling and air/control pipe runs.
  • Heavy, die-cast chassis with a powerful motor and dual flywheels
  • Operational headlights and rear lights with operational
  • Factory-installed ditch lights (plus rock lights on BCOL locomotives)
  • Separate grab irons and handrails installed at the factory
  • DC/Silent (DCC Ready) or DC/DCC/Sound (ESU LokSound)

Despite the nice looking models, we know the artwork is always popular. Check it out below.

Check out the N Scale Dash 8-40CM catalogue below. Click the photo to open the PDF.

The N Scale Dash 8-40CM re-run should make a big splash. And, since there is no new tooling, we can announce the order deadline will be April 17th, 2023. So in the meantime, start your orders!

Rapido Order Deadlines Jan 2023

January 2023 Order Deadlines

The January 16th, 2023 order deadlines are just a few weeks away. Let's take a quick look at the three project closing out on the 16th: the HO Scale BART Legacy FleetHO Scale Canadian Piggyback Flatcars and HO Scale Canadian Trailers. Here we go!

Rapido BART Video

HO Scale BART Legacy Fleet - Early-Bird Discount

Mass transit fans, the HO Scale BART Legacy Fleet is one of the most unique products we have ever announced. Order yours by January 16th to get the 5% Early Bird discount and to ensure we can actually make these things!

If you haven't yet watched our BART documentary, please click here or on the photo above to watch.

Rapido BART Cars

The A and C cars. 3D renders are subject to revision.

Please click on the image below to download the PDF catalog.

The BART Legacy Fleet's preliminary order deadline is January 16th, 2023. Order by then and you will receive a 5% "Early Bird Special" discount.

You can order these from our website or directly from BART by clicking here. We strongly urge you to support BART's first foray into model railroading and buy directly from BART's official online store at!

Rapido Flatcar

HO Scale Canadian Piggyback Flatcar

The Canadian Piggyback Flatcar's order deadline is in just a few weeks, which means we're taking one more quick look over these excellent cars! Mark your calendars for January 16th, 2023, which will be the closing date for these piggyback flats.

Rapido Flatcar

The CN flat is on the top and the CP version on the bottom.

Early samples shown, subject to revision.

Check out all two schemes being offered. In case you might have forgotten, there is only CN and CP.

Check out the catalogue for the HO scale flatcars by clicking the photo below.

These HO Scale Canadian Piggyback Flatcars will look great on any layout, so make sure you have your orders in before January 16th, 2023!

Rapido Canadian Trailers

Here is the 26' Can-Car Dry-Van. Early sample shown, subject to revision.

HO Scale Canadian 26' Can-Car and 45' Trailmobile Trailers

What better way to complement your flatcars than with the HO Scale Canadian Trailers? These are the 26’ Can-Car Industries Dry-Vans with and without side doors and the 45’ Trailmobile design trailers, also with and without side doors. And, just like the flatcars, these also close out on the 16th of January.

Below are all of the paint schemes and variations for the HO Scale Canadian Piggyback Flatcars.

The 26' Can-Car Dry-Van trailers - Both with and without side doors.

The 45' Trailmobile Dry-Van trailers - without side doors.

The 45' Trailmobile Dry-Van trailers - with side doors.

Do you need HO Scale Canadian Trailers? Of course you do! These trailers sure have an array of colourful schemes. So, make sure you mark down January 16th, 2023!

February 2023 Order Deadlines

On February 15th, 2023, we have three HO scale and two N Scale items closing out. For HO Scale, we have: the NSC 73' Centerbeam Car, the Union Pacific 40' "ACR" Boxcar and the Great Northern 40' Boxcar. In N Scale, we have: the NSC 73' Centerbeam and the Barrel Ore Hopper. Let's take a quick look at each.

Rapido Centerbeam Video

HO Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam Car

The HO Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam Car has proved to be quite a popular car! And now that we have had samples we've shown and toted around to various shows this past fall, we can happily announce the order deadline: February 15th, 2023.

Before we take a quick rundown, let's check out the video. Click here or the photo above to watch. After that, we have some photos of the samples to gawk at.

These centerbeams will be the center of attention.

Preproduction samples subject to revision.

That cross bracing is amazing.

Preproduction samples subject to revision.

Check out the end details.

Preproduction samples subject to revision.

The HO Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam will be loaded with details, check out all of the features below:

  • Multiple side sill variations with different winch and ratchet configurations
  • Multiple top truss configurations; early Z pattern and standard closed pattern with and without tie-down brackets
  • Two deck configurations; early with risers and mid without risers
  • Two underbody configurations
  • Multiple end cage variants
  • Multiple brake stand options
  • Multiple truck types (six to be exact!)
  • Factory-installed rubber air hoses
  • See through eroded metal crossover platforms
  • Fully detailed underbodies with brake piping
  • Factory-installed metal grab irons and coupler lift bars
  • Free rolling, metal wheelsets

Now, as we mentioned before, many roads owned these cars. Check out the first run offerings below!

Rapido Centerbeam

Here is the NSC Centerbeam catalog. Check it out by clicking the photo which will open in PDF format.

The HO Scale 73' NSC Centerbeam are going to be a popular car this coming year. But don't wait for them to hit the shelves, place your pre-orders now! You have until the 15th of February to reserve as many as you want!

Rapido UP Boxcar

HO Scale Union Pacific 40' ACR Boxcars

The HO Scale Union Pacific 40' "ACR" Boxcar now has an order deadline of February 15th, 2023. This time it isn't a false alarm! We'll have new samples to show you in our newsletter and in a video before then.

There are five Union Pacific schemes being offered on the initial run. Scroll down to see them. Here's the catalog...again!

Excited for the UP 40' ACR Boxcars? We are! Don't forget that February 15th, 2023 is the new order deadline. We're looking forward to producing these cars!

Rapido GN Boxcar

HO Scale GN 12-panel 40' Boxcar

Just like the UP cars, the HO Scale GN 12-Panel 40' Boxcar will also share an order deadline of February 15th, 2023. And just like the UP boxcars, we'll have new samples to show you in our newsletter and in a video before then.

Rocky wants you to go check out the sales catalog for the GN Boxcars:

Please order your HO Scale GN Boxcars with your favorite hobby shop or directly with us.

N Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam Car

Just like its bigger cousin, the N Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam also closes out on the 15th of February. Check out the video by clicking here or the photo above. Then we can take a quick look at the samples.

Three of a kind! Early samples, subject to revision.

Check out the underbody detail on that N Scale Centerbeam! Early samples, subject to revision.

The N Scale NSC 73' Centerbeam will feature an absurd amount of detail! Check them out here:

  • Two top truss configurations; early Z pattern and standard closed pattern with tie-down brackets
  • Two deck configurations; early with risers and mid without risers
  • Two underbody configurations
  • Multiple end cage variants
  • Multiple brake stand options
  • Multiple truck types
  • Fully detailed underbodies with brake piping
  • Free rolling, metal wheelsets

Ready to see those paint schemes? Scroll down to check them out!

Rapido Centerbeam

Who likes catalogs? The N Scale NSC Centerbeam catalog will answer all of your questions about item and road numbers. Click the photo below to open up the PDF.

Ready to order MANY N Scale 73' NSC Centerbeams? You can never have too many! Please order direct or with your favorite dealer by February 15th.

N Scale Barrel Ore Hopper

The Barrel Ore Hoppers were probably the most unique cars that ran in Ontario, maybe even all of Canada. So for all of the N Scalers out there, this is the perfect car for any unit train! You'll be the talk of the club with a mixture of CN and ONR hoppers.

But wait! The order deadline is on February 15th, 2023 - this means you'll need to deliver your orders on or before that day! So, this means we need to examine these cars quickly this month, before we close out the ordering period. First, let's take a look at the launch video. Click here or the photo above to watch! Then hurry back to check out the neat render and sample photos we have.

Rapido N Barrel Ore Car

The gang's all here! Note: 3D renders, details are subject to revision.

N Barrel Ore

Both long and short barrel cars. Note: details are subject to revision.

N Barrel Ore

Check out the details on the long barrel car. Note: details are subject to revision.

N Barrel Ore

Here's the short barrel car. Note: details are subject to revision.

The Barrel Ore Hopper features:

  • Two carbodies representing short and long barrel hoppers
  • Super-detailed underbody including separate air piping 
  • Barber S-2 100-ton Trucks with metal wheels
  • Hopper bays feature highly-detailed gates
  • See-through, etched metal end platforms 
  • Full end detail

These cars might be really small, but they make up for it in details!

Rapido N Barrel Ore Car

Don't forget, we also offer the long and short cars in undecorated form. Be sure to check them out and all of the other schemes by clicking the photo of the catalogue below!

The N Scale Barrel Ore Hopper is almost ready to head off to production. This means we would love for you to have all of your orders in by February 15th, 2023. We'll be ready, will you?

Second Section - December 2022

Check out the latest shows and info for this Christmas edition!

Dealer Exclusive Models

Otter Valley Railroad has commissioned a custom run of VIA's renumbered 1898 and 1899. Click here or the photo above to reserve yours.

Heartland Hobby Wholesale is offering seven schemes for the HO Scale E8 Locomotive! In order to reserve one of these neat schemes, you'll have to contact your dealer. All dealers can order these models exclusively from Heartland Hobby. Click here to find out more. Are you a retailer but not a Heartland customer? Click here to visit their web site.

Now, let's check out the schemes that Heartland Hobby is offering!

Ready for some sunshine? Come out to the Prototype Rails RPM meet in Cocoa Beach, Florida, on January 5th to the 7th. Meet Bill and check out the samples that we'll have on display.

Arnie's Trains

West Coast fans, we will be in Westminster, California, at Arnie's Trains meet and greet on January 7th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time. Meet part of the Rapido team, see some of our latest samples and check out the store!

Amherst Railway Show

In late January, the main event returns to West Springfield - the Amherst Railway Society's "Railroad Hobby Show." Join us on January 28th and the 29th in the Mallary Complex to chat with us as well as look at ALL of our current samples. See you then!

Rapido Updates

Shipping and Arrival Updates

LOTS of new items are arriving, both at your dealer or to our warehouse soon! What could they be? Let's find out:

Factory and Tooling Updates

Have a look at some of the latest photos from our factories!

Ooo-la-la! The HO Scale RTL Turboliner is a work of art!

HO Scale RTL Turboliner photos! The excitement grows as these get closer to arrival.

HO Scale RTL Turboliner seats!

Check out all of the HO Scale Angus Vans! They're almost ready to leave the factory.

Another angle of the HO Scale Angus Vans.

The CP Engineering and MOW HO Scale Angus Vans, along with the classic yellow version.

Here's the Ontario Northland HO Scale Angus Van. Check out the accurate squared handrails.

The unmistakable red of CP Rail on the HO Scale Bulkheads.

The HO Scale Bulkheads are almost here. This is the BNSF version.

The HO Scale Bulkheads, getting their final additions.

FPA-2u time! They're getting their paint applied. Details are next.

Here are the CN FPA-2u locos, about halfway through the paint shop.

And another angle of the CN FPA-2u locos.

Rapido Bus

On the bus from our Canadian open house. Everyone looks like they're having a great time!

Jason's 2022 Recap

2022 is just about finished. This has been a crazy year for Rapido. In 2021 we barely made ends meet with all the delays in manufacturing and shipping. In contrast, 2022 has seen regular shipments and some projects we’ve been working on for years, such as the Alco PA/PB, EMD E8, GMD F59PH and Bombardier bi-level commuter cars, have finally made it into your hands.

The rapid growth from a stagnant 2021 to a hectic 2022 has brought with it many challenges. Like so many other businesses in 2022, we have had tremendous difficulty hiring customer service and administrative staff, meaning our customer communication and warranty service have not matched our high expectations. At one point we discovered that our toll-free number wasn’t working at all! The phone did not ring and people would just get sent into a hold pattern forever! Our phone was always ringing so we assumed we were getting back to everyone.

Busy warehouse!

Similarly, we launched a new website in February which can only be described as a downgrade rather than an upgrade. The old website was clunky and required a lot of manual intervention, but it was actually easier to use and more reliable in its reporting on the back end. We spent much of 2022 fixing the website and inventory system on the fly and only now are we actually in the process of refreshing the user interface (short term) and building a custom, seamless back-end system (long term).

Finally, the fact that we have not been able to visit our factories in three years has resulted in some communication and quality control issues. We are praying that it will be safe to head back to China in the spring so we can get this stuff under better control. 

That's Jeff, John and Cale with his amazing Red Lion station built using LEGO® bricks!

The flipside of the headaches is that we’ve hired three new members on our project management team this year, and that has been an absolute joy. John Frantz and Cale Leiphart now work with Josh on artwork design for the factory and John is dipping his hands into freight car and locomotive design. (He’s a Pennsy modeler, so that may give you some hints…) These guys are both model railroaders we met through our hobby community. Jeff Lassahn only joined us is October but has hit the ground running, bringing his extensive model railroad knowledge and 2D/3D design skills to quickly become an essential part of the team. How did we ever get by without him?

What might be on the horizon for 2023?

Looking ahead to 2023, our goal is to deliver a similar number of model projects as we did in 2022 while having a large enough, dedicated team to improve both the product quality and the operation of the business. We could not have grown to where we are now without you, our customers. And for that you have my deepest thanks.

If we met your expectations in 2022, I am delighted. If we did not, I offer you my apologies and promise that we are working to improve. Rapido is still just a bunch of model railroaders running a model train company. Sometimes we hit the ball out of the park. Sometimes…not so much.

Sidura and I, along with the whole Rapido team, wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We hope that 2023 is a great year for all of us!

This closes out December's newsletter, as well as the year 2022. Hopefully it was a good year for you. We'll see you in the new year!

Until then,


Bobby Allard

Marketing Officer

Rapido Trains Inc.

USA: PO Box 796, Higganum, CT 06441
Canada: 500 Alden Road, Unit 21, Markham, ON L3R 5H5
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