Merry Christmas to All...

So we thinked an idea, nearly two years ago
“Let’s knock down that wall, then this workshop could grow.”

We were too many elves in too little a space
We’d even run out of room for the sample size toothpaste.

We promptly forged a good plan or two, okay maybe five rounds,
Then at last we decided “Aww, let’s just knock it all down!”

All had been calm in our neighboring space, newly leased
Then demolition commenced. That marked the end of the peace.

At first we weren’t minding, the new whumping and thumping
But it is harder to clean teeth next to an elephant jumping.

Then brand new noises began, beyond what sound should allow
Noises so preposterous, we often uttered the holiest of cows.

Blessed be our office team, who rose above that fog of noise
For untold months they met each day with a truly unflappable poise.

Is Santa coming to help? I just heard above some bell jingles
Nevermind, that’s just the roofer, patching botched shingles.

Will the city Grinchspector reject all that we show him?
How can we extract our project from this Edgar Allen Poem?

But our patients never flinched at our workshop Armageddon
Perhaps it was the music turned up to volume seven
or more than likely the nitrous, cranked to eleven.

There are glimpses of progress, is it too soon to cheer?
Tis the season to believe. Just a bit more patience and we’ll soon persevere.

We got our Christmas miracle, complete on this 10th day of December
Now it’s a pair of years we hope aren’t repeated,
but indeed will faithfully remember.

2021 has been quite a year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for entrusting us with your health. It is an honor to be your dental team, and we look forward to seeing you for years to come. We will send out a formal announcement of our office remodel soon. Health, happiness, and peace to you and yours in 2022!

- Dr. Jaclyn Martinez, DDS
Dr. Lin, Angie, Catie, Kristina, Jhona,
Monica, Rebecca,Rosie, Stacey,
Tara, and Terri 

...and to all a good night.
Jaclyn Martinez DDS, Inc