Merry Christmas!

Enough for him, whom cherubim 
Worship night and day, 
A breastful of milk, 
And a mangerful of hay: 
Enough for him, whom angels 
Fall down before, 
The ox and ass and camel 
Which adore.

Angels and archangels 
May have gathered there, 
Cherubim and seraphim 
Thronged the air - 
But only his mother 
In her maiden bliss 
Worshipped the beloved 
With a kiss.

What can I give him, 
Poor as I am? 
If I were a shepherd 
I would bring a lamb; 
If I were a wise man 
I would do my part; 
Yet what I can, I give him - 
Give my heart.

Christina Rossetti

Wishing you the gifts 
of joy and peace  at Christmas
from all at Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre
L oretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre
is a sacred space  of peace and beauty on Lake Simcoe for those seeking to restore energies needed for personal and communal transformation.

The Centre is available for use by individuals and groups whose activities reflect
the Centre's mission. Facilitation of a workshop, a day of reflection, or an opportunity for spiritual direction can be arranged.

For accommodation arrangements, please email 
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