Summer is upon us! Memorial Day has come, signaling the start of the Summer season here in Chatham. We hope your holiday weekend was both merry and mindful.
During the past month we came upon an excellent article on the Victoria and Albert Museum website that we believed would be both interesting and useful to share:
Perri happened to find that article while writing a blog post for our website, all about describing the condition of antique maps. If you would like to read that, you can find it here: All about Antique Map Conditions
Below we shall highlight some exciting new maps, but you can always visit our Newly Listed Maps section to see everything from the past month or so. We have a Great Maps - Super Deals category that offers our discounted items. And don't forget that we also have a category specifically for maps under $100!
If you are looking for something specific, we recommend using the search function or the "Filter By" function on the left side above the listings to search within a category.
Excellent Early Maps on Sale
We have lowered the prices on three highly collectible 17th century maps of China, two of which include the famous Great Wall. These maps by Blaeu were published in the 'Novus Atlas Sinensis', the first Western atlas of China, compiled from the maps by Martino Martini, a Jesuit missionary who travelled through China 1643-1650. This is an excellent opportunity to get three great maps for a great deal!
Beautiful Bird's-Eye Views of Lake George and Lake Champlain
Published in 1927, this tourism pamphlet with two maps extols the the charm of these two lakes, with information about travel and the history in the area. The brilliant color brings the landscape to life. When framing, a mat could be used to cover the text if desired.
These small county maps of Scotland were published around 1855. There is no date on the maps, but we were able to date them approximately using the extent of the railroads at the time of publication. With information about towns, cities, railroads, carriage roads, and topography, plus a lovely decorative border, these maps will delight anyone who loves Scotland.
The Health and Pleasure Resorts of New York and New England,
the Best Way to Reach Them via "America's Greatest Railroad"
Published during the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, this colorful map spans from Boston to St Louis and includes most major cities and towns, as well as vacation spots such as Niagara Falls and Macinac Island. It offers an interesting perspective of the Great Lakes, the Finger Lakes, the many mountain ranges in the East including the Adirondacks, Catskills, Green and White Mountains, and more, all with gorgeous color and vintage typography.
Reproductions of Maps by George T. Bates
We are pleased to offer some distinctly nautical reproductions by George T. Bates, a map maker based in Nova Scotia in the 1960s and 1970s. They include Cape Cod, Sailors Knots, Sable Island, Oak Island, and Nova Scotia, all in a handsome blue and white. These will have your walls shipshape in no time!
Other Exciting New Additions
Our shop is currently open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm We are closed Sundays and Mondays until May 1st. We will update our hours on our website and Google at that time.
Or give us a call at: 508-945-1660
If you or your loved-ones need accommodations, send them over to our converted 18th century farmhouse, Chatham Guest Rooms. We have been very well reviewed on TripAdvisor!
Do you need a getaway? The summer is booking up quickly! Make sure you make your reservations early for summer travel on Cape Cod!
If you visit the Cape, we recommend you stay in one of our rooms at Chatham Guest Rooms! The rates are reasonable and you will be staying in the building that is home to Maps of Antiquity! You can pop in to look at maps quite easily during business hours. We rent rooms year 'round!
Maps of Antiquity | 508-945-1660 | 1409 Main St, Chatham MA | Website