Dear Friend,
This letter is written with both excitement and sadness. As most of you have heard, our last patient care day is June 26, 2020.
Thank you for the generations of friendship, happy times, tears and memories. We planned to have a party for all of you, but COVID-19 changed those plans. It would be wonderful if you shared your memories in a note sent to the office address.
Our extensive year long efforts to find a replacement have not come to fruition. To find a new physician, you may contact Tallahassee Primary Care Associates' (TPCA) provider referral line at 850-297-0114, or contact your insurance company to see who is accepting new patients. If you continue care with another TPCA physician, you do not need to take any action as your medical records will remain in the care of the group. If you would like to request a transfer of your medical records to a physician outside of TPCA, you may contact 850-942-6624 and select option 2 on the menu prompt.
If you have a prescription coming due, please notify your pharmacy as soon as possible to assure you receive your prescription in a timely manner. If you are on a controlled substance, check your refills and call the office if need be. After June 26, 2020, our office will not be able to process refills.
It’s been a good ride!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take care of yourselves.