From President Frank H. Wu:

Concerns have been shared by members of the college community about the invitation extended by a student club to a speaker, Daniel Haqiqatjou, for an event today titled Analyzing the Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Multifaceted Examination.


This particular speaker has a history of expressing views that are antithetical to the values we espouse at Queens College, and that I personally regard as abhorrent. To be clear, we strongly condemn bigotry, including antisemitism and Islamophobia, in all of its ugly forms. We will not hesitate to condemn it.

At the same time, one of our most important values is our support of the right to free speech and the importance of student opportunities to hear different viewpoints. Adherence to the right of free speech permits registered student organizations to invite speakers so long as they follow appropriate college procedures. Such events are open to students of all faiths and backgrounds. Speakers do not by such invitation represent the views of the college, as this speaker clearly does not. 

The college is planning future opportunities for dialogue and community building.

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