The United Methodist Church

Bishop John Schol

Eastern Pennsylvania
& Greater New Jersey
December 16, 2021
Dear Laity and Clergy of EPA,
One of the essential roles in the life of The United Methodist Church is District Superintendent. Superintendents work with the Bishop to lead the church to fulfill its mission, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We are blessed with gifted and faithful District Superintendents.
District Superintendents serve for up to eight years in the role of superintending, and I am sad that the Rev. Bumkoo Chung will finish his tenure as a superintendent on June 30, 2022. He has served EPA and the West District faithfully. In the short time I have known him, Rev. Chung is deeply committed to leading congregations to health and vitality, growing lay leadership and supporting clergy. He is committed to a full Gospel, reaching new people with God’s love through Jesus Christ, and engaging congregations in the community to serve and bring justice. He will be deeply missed as a superintendent.
I am also sad to share with you that Superintendent Steve Morton, in this time of his life and career, has requested to receive a new part-time appointment as of July 1, 2022. I have known Steve for much of my ministry career and have found him to be an exemplary leader in growing churches, developing leaders and supporting clergy and laity in their ministry. His leadership in the North District has led to innovative and strengthened ministry. He too will be deeply missed as a superintendent.
I ask for your prayers for the Cabinet, as we prayerfully discern and appoint two new superintendents. I would like your help by submitting names you recommend for superintending in EPA. Please submit up to two names of individuals you believe will serve well as superintendents. I will only consider names submitted by clergy and laity for the superintendency.
A District Superintendent, by our Book of Discipline, must be an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church. A superintendent orders the life of the district and is the chief mission strategist for the district. He or she develops lay and clergy transformational leaders to make disciples of Jesus Christ and grow vital missional congregations for the transformation of the world. Superintendents work with the bishop to appoint clergy to congregations and to support clergy and laity in leading congregations. The following are the qualities to consider when you identify names for a District Superintendent.
Superintending requires a depth of spirituality that models the life of Christ and provides a deep reservoir of hope, joy, peace, grace, perseverance, resiliency and wisdom to serve the church and the world. A superintendent has a strong conviction and call to ministry and superintending. Superintendents continually grow their faith through spiritual disciplines of prayer, scripture reading, worship, Sabbath rest, service in the world and participation in a community of faith for continued learning and growth.
While facing many challenges, a superintendent is hopeful, positive, joyful and committed to the unity of the Church. Superintendents are gifted in team-work and see their role as developing and empowering others to accomplish the mission of the church. Superintendents work with and through others. Superintendents have healthy egos, emotional intelligence, listen to understand, are warm and assertive, and see others and their objectives and ideas as important as their own. They are not conflict avoiders but have the confidence to engage well in conflict.
Superintendents have strong skills in the areas of leading, planning, communication, listening, motivating, coaching and mentoring leadership, supervision, understanding and interpreting the discipline and polity of the church and administration. They are creative and innovative thinkers and have the ability to spot and evaluate leadership.
A superintendent must have a proven track record of excellence in serving the church, growing the health and vitality of a congregation and/or extension ministry, developing other leaders, timely and accurate administration, leading through conflict, coaching and mentoring others to grow and improve in their leadership.
Superintendents are committed to serving God and growing faith through Jesus Christ and growing the diversity of the church, ending the sins of racism and sexism, and leading the church through difference. Superintendents are also committed to serve as a team in fulfilling the mission of the church.
EPA has a strong history of superintending and with your prayers and help we will continue this tradition. If you would like to lift one or two names and identify the qualities of the individuals, please select Reply and provide the names of two ordained elders and your reasons for recommending them.
Keep the faith!


Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of
Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey | 610-666-1442 | 732-359-1010

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