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Message from Chancellor Betty A. Rosa, the Board of Regents and State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia

As students in grades 3 through 8 take New York's state assessments this week, we appreciate the efforts of school leaders to ensure parents have all information to make a decision about the assessments that is right for their family. We would like to remind school leaders of the importance of honoring requests received by parents to opt their children out of the exams. While federal law does require all states to administer state assessments in English language arts and mathematics, parents have a right to opt their children out of these exams. To be certain, the vast majority of schools honor parents' requests to have their children not take the tests; however, we have also heard of isolated but troubling reports of parents' requests being ignored.

We thank New York's parents, teachers, and school administrators for their support and understanding as we continue to work together in the best interest of all students.