Ohio-ACC News
September 2016
President's Message
Laxmi S. Mehta, MD, FACC
Dear Colleague,
Drastic changes to the US health care system are occurring rapidly with a shift from volume to value based models. The ACC has been working tirelessly to foster relationships with federal and state government agencies and provide ACC members with education about the Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). The ACC has created a one-stop web resource, the “MACRA Information Hub,” to help you better understand MACRA and its implications.
ACC Legislative Conference The ACC will host its annual Legislative Conference on September 11-13, which will highlight current legislation and regulations as well as provide an opportunity to meet with your federal legislators. The Ohio-ACC has once again provided 14 stipends to physicians, cardiovascular care team members, and FITs to attend this conference to expand their knowledge of important legislation, learn more about MACRA, and to enhance the Ohio-ACC’s relationship with our federal legislators.
Congratulations to our ACC Legislative Conference stipend recipients! CV Team Recipients include: Anna Broz, Sherry Donaworth, Andrea Robinson, and Sandra Smith. FIT recipients include: Timothy Byrnes, Regina Kayse, Jeffrey Robinson, Rayji Tsutsui, and Akira Wada. Practicing physician recipients include: Anne Albers, Catherine Fallick, Sanjay Gandhi, Robert Hobbs, and David Stultz. The CV Administrator recipient is Theresa Faulkner.
Participate: Ohio-ACC Annual Meeting
I hope that you will join us at the
Ohio-ACC 26th Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 15, 2016, at the Hilton Columbus at Easton.
Annual Meeting Speakers
Our annual conference is the ideal educational setting for the entire cardiovascular team to learn and network. Some of our speakers include
Dr. Joseph Alpert,
Dr. Gary Ansel,
Dr. Marc Penn, and
Dr. Subha Raman.
This year our
5th Annual Richard P. Lewis Memorial Lecture will be given by
Dr. Nanette Wenger from Emory on “Geriatric Cardiology: Octogenarian Pearls.” Dr. Wenger has had a longstanding interest in geriatric cardiology, is a Past President of the Society of Geriatric Cardiology, and was Editor-in-Chief of the
American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology for more than 15 years. She also has chaired the World Health Organization Expert Committee on Rehabilitation after Cardiovascular Disease,and co-chaired the Guideline Panel on Cardiac Rehabilitation for the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.
Annual Meeting Topics The meeting will include a pre-conference workshop on MACRA. Additionally, Dr. Mary Norine Walsh, ACC Vice President, and Cathleen Biga, President and CEO of Cardiovascular Management of Illinois, will join us to discuss “Navigating the New Health Care Horizon.”
Other topics at our annual meeting include peripheral arterial disease, gene therapies, and FFR with cardiac CTA. We look forward to our CVT and FIT poster and oral research competition. You will also enjoy interest-based networking opportunities with during lunch. REGISTER TODAY!
I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting. Feel free to contact me at laxmi.mehta@osumc.edu.
Laxmi S. Mehta, MD, FACC President
Board of Trustees Election Winners
Congratulations to our Board Members
We are pleased to announce the winners of our recently held Board of Trustees Election.
Congratulations to:
Cardiovascular Surgical Position Thomas A. Schwann, MD, MBA, FACC
Pediatric Cardiologist Position Christopher P. Learn, MD
District 1 – Cleveland Clinic John Rickard, MD, MPH
District 1 – CWRU MetroHealth Catherine C. Fallick, MD, FACC (2nd term)
District 2 – Toledo Area Samer J. Khouri, MD, FACC (2nd term)
District 3 – Akron Shyam Bhakta, MD, FACC
District 4 – Columbus Anne R. Albers, MD, PhD, RVT, FACC (2nd term)
District 5 – Dayton Pankaj Sharma, MD
District 6 – Cincinnati Timothy D. Smith, MD, FACC
Ohio Chapter of the ACC | 614-859-2223 | ohioacc@gmail.com