A Message from Matt Lewis, President

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. For those of you reading this letter who were able to attend Shul over Rosh Hashanah, I am sure you share my feeling of gratitude to have seen our campus teeming with hundreds of fellow Jews who attended the many minyanim held in almost every possible space. It was truly an uplifting and spiritual Yom Tov. For those who were unable to attend: please know that you were in our thoughts and prayers, and that even while you were not able to be with us physically you were certainly “in Shul” and felt in a spiritual sense.

I am writing to you, on this busy Friday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, to urge you to take a moment out of your day to contribute the Shul’s Kol Nidrei Appeal. This Yamim Nora’im campaign represents the single most important fundraising season for the Shul, and full participation is what will ensure its success. I know that so many of you have already responded generously, and on behalf of the Board of Trustees I thank you. For those who have not yet contributed, please seize this opportunity and go to https://www.bethjacobatlanta.org/form/kol-nidrei-2022 to contribute or pledge online, or simply sit down and write a check and bring it or mail it to Shul. You also have the option of bringing your pledge card to Shul to be collected following Kol Nidrei.

If you are reading this letter you shouldn’t need any convincing - it is impossible to overstate the primary and central role Beth Jacob plays in our community today, as it has for many decades. In fact, it was during the Yamim Nora’im in 1942 -a full 80 years ago - that a small committed group first banded together to establish our holy congregation. While those “founding fathers” are no longer with us, as their spiritual heirs it behooves us to give generously of our resources to keep their dream of a Torah-true citadel of spirituality in our city alive. Please join me in doing so, and be listed among those who have gone the extra mile to support our special Kehilla.

Chavi joins me in wishing you and your loved ones a Gmar Chasima Tova - may you be sealed in the Book of Life and have a happy and healthy 5783.


Matt Lewis


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