
Good Afternoon,

Yesterday afternoon and evening our safety team received information from concerned parents regarding potential school violence at our middle school. A malfunctioning fire alarm sensor along with a TikTok post that originated out of state weeks ago were the subject of conversations between students. Being overheard by others, this evolved into concerns by some that there was a threatening post referencing our school. 

Last night, similar to anytime a threat of any nature comes to the attention of our team, our resource officers and administrators took many steps to check into the details and validity of the threat as well as reached out to resources such as our partners at the Rock Hill PD.

While the reports were taken seriously and proactive measures were implemented immediately, it was concluded that there was not a threat to York Prep or any of its students. Our investigation continued into today as we looked into the origins of the post and how it made its way around. We can confirm that it was a source of discussion in many of the school districts in our area and nationally during this last week. We can also confirm that there has been no verified threat to YPA.

We thank our partners at RHPD, our resource officers, and other safety leaders for their careful and timely actions to always provide such a safe atmosphere. We thank the students and parents who reach out with their concerns.  We would also like to give a few reminders about how members of our school community can help us keep our campus safe:

  1. If you hear or see something concerning it is important to let school personnel know immediately. Our Safe Schools Hotline at 800-41-VOICE ext. 359 can be used anonymously 24 hrs a day every day.
  2. Be familiar with the School’s Emergency Plan for Parents. Found HERE on our website, it lets you know what to expect and how to participate in emergency situations. 
  3. As mentioned in that plan, Be Patient. Our goal is 100% safety and handling of each situation in a way that keeps all students safe. Speed and the communication of non-emergency details will occur as soon as we are able, but always after we are confident that safety and understanding have been achieved. 
  4. It is absolutely of high importance to talk to your children about social media, the things that are transmitted on it, and the real consequences and panic that can happen at school when unsubstantiated posts and rumors are spread. 

Thank you again for your partnership in our efforts to keep students and staff safe.

York Prep Administration

York Preparatory Academy

1047 Golden Gate Court, Rock Hill, SC 29732
