A Message
from Our President
What a great start we have had to 2023. The year kicked off with our first installation of officers at the January general membership meeting. Nice to see the many faces of our Affiliate and Realtor members. 

The next General Membership meeting will be held April 12.  April is Fair Housing month and we have the amazing Gracie Harkema, who has presented at the state level and all over the world on topics such as Diversity and Inclusion and Implicit Bias! If you’ve had the honor to hear Gracie speak, you know this will not be your “typical” fair housing meeting. Please plan to attend this meeting which will include 2 hours of LEGAL CON-ED, lunch and networking for only $10. This meeting will also include our annual awards presentations.

Our committees are meeting and some great plans are already in the works for this year. I have made a point to attend the first meeting of each committee to share my thoughts and goals with them. It is never too late to join a committee or volunteer for a task force if you have skills you want to share!  Most committee’s only meet once a month or less. I have seen some new faces and want to thank everyone that is involved.

I know interest rates are up and inventory is down but remember people will always buy houses in any kind of market. Real estate is a roller coaster, it goes up and down, but Realtors are essential in any market!

I read a story once about a family in an airport waiting to board a plane, a little girl was playing quietly on the floor with some of her toys. An elderly lady walked up and said to her “you poor little thing you have no home”. The little girl promptly replied “we have a home, just no house to put it in yet.” I think that is great, we sell houses so people can make a home.
Let’s have a great year!!


Penny Tarwacki,
2023 SEBAR President