Dear Business Representatives,
The City of Milpitas understands the growing concerns related to the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease both locally and globally. The City’s leadership has been working closely with Santa Clara County’s Public Health Department in taking steps and precautions to ensure the safety of Milpitas residents, workforce, and visitors alike. City Manager Steve McHarris sent an
Info Memo
to City Council and to the Milpitas community, along with other documents posted on the City’s website.
In the past few days, Santa Clara County’s Public Health Department has updated its recommendations for the general public, schools, businesses, and public agencies. This includes new guidance for large events, at-risk and sick individuals, and the general public. As the lead agency on public health matters, the Santa Clara County’s Public Health Department continues to update its
regularly. You can also check the City’s website
for the latest news about the novel Coronavirus. Information is written in Chinese, English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
City Manager Steve McHarris and staff are preparing contingency plans for the Milpitas community, including an updated Pandemic Response Plan, Continuity of Operations Plans for essential City services, and a plan for briefing City employees as local conditions continue to evolve. The Response Plan has four top priorities:
- Ensure the safety and well-being of our employees;
- Sustain delivery of critical City Services;
- Ensure timely and consistent communication both with our employees and our community; and
- Provide resources and communications support to assist the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and other state and federal agencies as needed.
Milpitas businesses are an important part of the fabric of this community. You are leaders in entrepreneurship, job creation, innovation and driving economic growth. The Office of Economic Development is here to support you. As such, we will continue to keep you informed.
In community spirit,
Alex Andrade
Economic Development Director
455 E. Calaveras Blvd., Milpitas CA 95035