Message from the Hance Elementary Principal
April 20, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope you had a relaxing break and was able to enjoy some time outdoors while staying healthy during this extended period of closure. As a reminder, students will now be able to earn RAMS Way tickets from the staff virtually. The link below allows you to nominate your child for a virtual ticket.
Have you seen your Hance student go out of his or her way to meet the core values of RAMS (Respectful, Accountable, Motivated and Safe) at home? Just because we’re not physically at school does not mean that positive behavior should go unacknowledged. If you see an instance where your child has displayed our values at home, use the Google Form to issue a “virtual” RAMS Way” ticket. Submitted tickets will be added to our RAMS Way ticket total for the year and all virtual ticket recipients will be added into a raffle at the end of the year. All Hance Elementary staff members will be giving “virtual” tickets as well. Parent notification will also be sent when the teachers acknowledge a child for RAMS Way behavior virtually! Tickets for the week should be entered by Friday at 3:00 p.m. in order to receive an acknowledgment in their parents’ email via this link.
As a reminder, you should be:

As a way to further engage students and keep everyone immersed in learning, I have listed two Twitter challenges related to RAM time and RAMS Way. If you wish to take advantage of these additional enrichment opportunities, please post pictures and tag me @Hanceprincipal over the next few days as a way to stay connected and engaged.
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2020 Twitter Challenge - RAM Time: Since RAM stands for Reading and Math, we are going to transition to reading opportunities again this week. Take a picture of your child working on writing and tag me on Twitter @Hanceprincipal.
  • Thursday, April 23, 2020 Twitter Challenge - RAMS Way: “R” stands for Respect in our RAMS Way acronym. We know at Pine-Richland that “learning happens inside and outside the classroom.” Students need to apply the skills they have learned through RAMS Way at home due to our current situation. Have your child snap a photo that shows your child exemplifying respect and tag me on Twitter @Hanceprincipal.
We also have a general list of reminders and useful information: 

  • Pine-Richland School District has extended the closure of our six schools through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. 

  • The request for student Chromebooks has been reactivated. Requests for students' devices can be completed using the form at the bottom of the page.

In collaboration,
Ms. Greta Kuzilla
Hance Principal