Dear Bishop Blanchet community,

Bishop Blanchet High School continues to monitor the rapidly evolving situation surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We are following the guidance and recommendations of King County Public Health as well as the U.S. Center for Disease Control. 

We want to avoid creating unnecessary panic over the situation. Sharing accurate information is an important step our school community has taken to keep rumors and misinformation from spreading. Please be mindful that coronavirus is not connected to any race, ethnicity or nationality. Bishop Blanchet does not have a current concern of an active exposure. I n the event of a school closure, families would be notified by email and text, similar to inclement weather notifications.

Preventative Measures
Please reinforce with your student that covering coughs and frequent hand washing are steps that can help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. Please access these links for more detailed and updated information from the Center for Disease Control and King County Public Health .

Our Campus
Our facilities team is sanitizing all frequently touched surfaces daily, including door knobs/handles, desks, tables, athletic spaces, kitchen and common spaces. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are available in every classroom and throughout the building.

Digital Distance Learning Plan
Our faculty are trained in digital distance learning protocols should a prolonged school closure occur. During this time of regional concern over the coronavirus, students should bring home nightly all necessary academic material in the event of a school closure. Students need to monitor Google classroom and their Bishop Blanchet email throughout the day should a digital distance learning plan be put in place.

Our top priority in determining our actions is the safety of our students, employees and community. If you have any questions or concerns about school safety policies and procedures, please email our Dean of Students, Chris Bilanko, at [email protected] . Should your student feel sick or exhibit any flu-like symptoms, please notify the school's attendance office at attendance and have your student stay home. 


Tony DeSapio

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