A Message from the President
Dear ISTU Community:

I hope that this message finds everyone healthy and staying safe during these challenging times around the world. It was great to virtually see many of you at ISTU 2021 in June. The 20th Annual International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound was very successful. We welcomed almost 500 people from around the world for our first ever hybrid symposium. As I began my presidency virtually, I am very much looking forward to greeting all ISTU members in person in Toronto in June 2022.
Given the uncertainty of future travel restrictions, we are preparing the option to attend ISTU 2022 virtually at a discounted rate. Additionally, should your travel plans change, we will be offering the ability to convert your virtual registration to an in-person at the early registration rates.

I'd like to encourage those of you that may have missed the 2021 Annual Symposium to spend a few minutes viewing both the ISTU General Assembly Session, as well as the Closing Ceremony for key updates about the Society.
September 23rd Webinar
We are excited to continue the ISTU On-Air Webinar Series throughout the Fall. Alfred Yu is the new Chair of this ongoing initiative, and I want to thank Kim Butts Pauly for her strategic leadership and thoughtful creation of this program.
  • September 23: Mikhail Shapiro, Ph.D. presenting:
"Ultrasound as a Remote Control for Cellular Therapy"

Save the Dates
  • October 28: Speaker/Topic to Be Announced
  • December 2: Speaker/Topic to Be Announced
Registration Opens December 1st
Registration and Abstract Submissions will open on December 1st. The Abstract (Oral and Posters) Submissions Deadline is February 15, 2022. The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by March 15, 2022. There will be a final late-breaking poster only submission deadline of April 15, 2022. No submissions will be accepted after that date.
Summary of Key Timelines
  • December 1, 2021: Registration and Abstract System Opens
  • February 15, 2022: Abstract (Oral and Posters) Submissions Deadline
  • March 15, 2022: Regular Abstract Acceptance Notice & Student Registration Award Notifications
  • April 1, 2022: Deadline for Early Registration
  • April 15, 2022: Deadline for Late-Breaking Abstracts (Posters Only)

Call for Abstract Reviewers
We still need Abstract Reviewers for ISTU 2022! Please contact [email protected] to join this review team.
ISTU Student Board - Call for Nominations
ISTU will be creating a secondary Student Board to help plan and lead student activities and guide student participation in the Annual Symposium meeting. The Student Board will also plan unique opportunities for student engagement between the Annual Symposia.

We would like to have four PHD students from each of the geographic areas (North America, Asia, and Europe) come together as a leadership group, under the guidance of a board member on the Student Membership and Awards Committee.

Please send the name and email address of your nomination to the Student Engagement and Awards Committee by October 1st at [email protected] to be considered for this new opportunity.
Volunteer on a Committee
Various committees exist within ISTU to ensure that the goals of the society are met and are representative of the needs of the membership. Each of these committees report to the Board, which has the sole responsibility to execute financial and programmatic actions. ISTU members are encouraged to offer suggestions to the committee chairs for actions involving the various committees.

We're always looking for existing members that may wish to be more involved with ISTU, and want to serve on our committees by working with our board members to help guide our key initiatives.

Learn more about our committees and the various opportunities to become involved with ISTU.
ISTU 2024 - Call for Applications
Lastly, we are now seeking proposals to host ISTU 2024: Asia/Australia. We are requesting that proposals from Asia/Australia be presented during the ISTU 2022 Annual Board Meeting in Toronto. Please email [email protected] for more information.
I wish everyone good health, and am looking forward to the day that we can all meet again in person. In the meantime, please plan to join us on September 23rd for out next ISTU On-Air Webinar.

Cyril Lafon
President, ISTU