The Future as Told Through My Nightstand | |
If your nightstand is like mine, it has a not-so-small pile of books. My stacks tend to fall into three categories—the read, the partially read, and the never read (or not yet read, to make me feel better about it being there). For the most part, they tend to be mostly non-fiction (I inherited my dad’s love of history and biography), but I have some fiction in the mix as well, particularly if it had found its way to the New York Times bestseller list. The collection of course stimulates various forms of guilt whenever I see it—a gift given still hasn’t been cracked, a noted author’s words on a contemporary challenge remain absent from my brain, a frenetic life that would benefit from better balance if I just shut down the email earlier and read more often.
Over the holiday break, and before the New Year so it wasn’t even a resolution, I determined to spend time reading. What motivated me was a quest to find insight and inspiration on the better nature of humans, something I feel our country and world seem to have in short supply of late. Furthermore, I was seeking perspective on my own belly fires: a deep belief in the life-changing impact of education, the importance of relationships with others, and of using one’s skills, talent, and privilege for good, something in my view that President Carter’s recent passing epitomized.
So here are three books I read, and what I drew from each as we move forward in 2025 amidst a world that needs us in it:
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James, by Percival Everett. This is the extraordinary retelling of the Huck Finn story from the perspective of Jim, Huck’s enslaved partner. It is deeply disturbing, yet one of transcendent insight on the human condition from the perspective of another. My grandfather, at the age of 15 in 1907, along with his nine-year-old brother, rafted down the same 400 miles of the Mississippi River miles from Hannibal, Missouri to Memphis, Tennessee (true story), and nearly died. Hence, this book had a uniquely personal connection for me. | |
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen. I was invited to a wonderful book group discussion last year led by an Honors College student with clients of the Speech and Hearing Clinic. She was using the book to aid their language and articulation recovery following damage by accident or stroke. The book’s takeaways are many, but offer most centrally redemption despite hardship, the impact of cruelty but also of love, and the criticality of empathy. | |
We Need to Build, by Eboo Patel. I had opportunity to hear the author, founder and president of Interfaith America, speak at a conference last summer for which this book was provided to attendees. He is a towering leader in the effort to enable dialogue to transcend difference. The book explores how to create inclusive organizations and communities and move past rhetorical critique and demonization. | |
Going into this year, I was feeling unusual anxiety with respect to what 2025 would bring, and as it has unfolded, those feelings continue. Yet, these three books, in their own independent but connected way, steel my spine to stay true to one’s values. For me, these include to first seek to understand before being understood, to affirm that our diversity is our strength, and that it is good to not have all the answers so long as you remain ever open to new perspectives and lessons.
If you read a good book over the break that is aiding your 2025 outlook, drop me an email. I would love to hear about it.
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Academic News
Academic Affairs Mid-Year Update. All are invited to attend the mid-year Academic Affairs Update led by Provost Powers and the three Associate Provosts on Friday, February 7, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. (ZOOM LINK HERE). The theme is Accelerating Distinction and will include notable state and national data as well as exciting activities currently underway, or that soon will be, as we expand how we are distinctive in ways that are harder for others to imitate.
Inclusive Teaching/Decolonization Workshop II. Dr. Sonya Douglass from Teachers College, Columbia University was so thrilled by our efforts she agreed to come back and offer a part two, this time built around specific themes that have emerged from departmental goal documents. Click here for details on this Zoom session, to be held on February 4 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
UCC Update and Outcomes from Fall 2024 Submissions. We are pleased to relay that the good work of applicants, and of the review committees, has resulted in an exciting initial array of 36 new UCC courses that will be integrated into the Fall 2025 schedule. More are being reviewed as we speak. In addition to final approval notification through Curriculog, authors of approved courses will receive (if they have not already) an email from Jonathan Lincoln providing next steps guidance on building an actual syllabus and course content using a framework informed by Quality Matters. Additionally, information on the integration of inclusive teaching and content approaches linked to Pillar IV of the University Strategic Plan will be provided.
New Bridging the Gap Project Deploys this Semester. Following a Summer 2024 experience in which they were trained to lead campus efforts around how to have challenging dialogue, Myranda Barreau from Equity and Inclusion, together with Liz Harkins and David Fuentes from Academic Affairs, will be leading an exciting faculty and staff training initiative. Collegiate institutions are uniquely important in such efforts and we look forward to their leadership in this arena.
The College of Adult and Professional Studies co-hosted a job fair for a record 600-plus attendees. The event was held with the Passaic County One-Stop Career Center for area job seekers on January 8 in the University Ballrooms. A powerful event and partnership with the community.
Office of Sponsored Programs Updates. Congratulations to these awardees since my last campus message: Donna Minnich Spuhler—$5,000 from Engage NJ for the MLK Day of Service. It was a great event to start the semester. Melissa Rosario Jimenez—$195,000 from the state’s Global Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Program. All the best as you enable powerful partnerships for AI and tech growth in our region. Quay Davis—nearly $1 million from Upskill NJ. Thrilled for what you will be doing to enable training in healthcare, transportation, and finance, as well as logistics and distribution.
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“I can tell you that I am a man who is cognizant of his world, a man who has a family, who loves a family, who has been torn from his family, a man who can read and write, a man who will not let his story be self-related, but self-written.”
—Percival Everett, James
“Life is the most spectacular show on earth.”
—Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants
“There is another problem with speaking for others, whether you are part of the group or not—it confers an authority on you that you probably do not have.”
—Eboo Patel, We Need to Build
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The Provost’s Office is Brenda, Claudia T., Claudia C., Kara, Rhonda, Sandy, and Josh. You can reach us at 973.720.2122 • | | | | |